Posted 'high noon bells' Tuesday 27th October 2020
Az there were apparently anly 40,000 pay per view customers for the NUFC v Moan U game, wor beloved owner 'The Fat Controller' haz said that the price of £14:95 iz not acceptable to any futbaall fan and that the cost should be slashed to a fiver at the most!
There iz nee mention whatsoever aboot refundin NUFC season ticket holders for games this season that we are currently payin for but wont be able to attend!
The shear hypocrisy of hiz statement beggars belief!
My message to him iz, "Can we have wor money back pleeze, for the monthly direct debits that yoo are takin from wor bank accoonts, az it seems highly unlikely that we will see a home game 'live' for some considerable time!"
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