Tuesday, 30 November 2021


 Posted '3:30pm bells' Tuesday 30th November 2021


You've hord of 'must win games' before ----but this reeely IZ a 'must win game', for failure to do so and not win against Bornley on Saturday at home az well, will make wor survival bid aalmost impossible with games in December against 'The Basil Brush Brigade' of Lestaa, 'The Liverbirds' and both Manc clubs, which we expect will bring ZERO points!

The January transfor window iz wor anly hope of avoidin the drop az half wor current squad played in The Championship in 2016!

But which quality players would come to a team, that more than likely would be relegated???----A release clause at the end of the season if we do gan doon iz one option?

The poison legacy of 'The Fat Controller's failure to sanction the signin of more players in the summer iz provin to be devastatin', with nee wins in 13 Premyaa Leegue games so far!

Last summer wor then MD 'Penfold' said that on the form guide from the season before, we were fifth best team in wor last nine games, and that the squad woz therefore strong enough to finish in the top half of the table this season!---How wrang he woz!!!! 

Az of 'high noon bells' today, there were 178 home tickets available for tooneets game with Nohrich, who are bringin aroond aboot 1,000 fans with them from East Anglia, oot of the 3,000 tickets available!

One section iz segregated and so by wor calculations a crowd of just ower 50,000 will be present at SJP!  The fact that we can get that number through the tornstiles iz amazin', considerin wor plight!

The fact that NUFC are the richest futbaall club in the world makes nee difference with the current weak squad, az wor hands are tied behind wor backs until January!

The fact that we could gan into December withoot a solitary win under wor belt iz unbelievable and Eddie Howe (or anybody else for tht matter), can't make bad players good, ne matter how much yoo try on the trainin' groond!

Lets hope we are not cut adrift by then!----3 points pleeeeze, tooneet and Saturday!

Az per usual a full Geordie Times match report will appear here on Wedinzday!

Sunday, 28 November 2021


 Posted just after 'high noon bells' onwards, Sunday 28th November 2021


Part One: "The jorney TO hell (1)!"

Mee mobile 'telling bone' rang  on Friday afternooon and it woz mee mate 'Big Al' (NOT the sheet metal workers son!)

He told me that wor train to London at '5:59 bells' on the Saturday mornin could be cancelled because of 'storm Alwyn' which woz predicted would bring 100mph gales and very heavy rain and snow!

A change of plan woz needed so 'Al' booked us on the '9:15 bells' on the same neet, hopin that it would take us to London!----The anly problem woz we had nee digs booked for an owerneet stay and would probably have to 'waalk the streets' when we got there at '1:30am bells'!

Aa met him in The Town Mouse micro pub for a few 'liquid lubrications' before heedin for The Central to (hopefully?) catch wor 'night train to 'the smoke'! <(The nickname for London)

Anyway!--- We left 'The Mouse' and had to endure torrential rain and gale force winds on the 10 minute waalk for wor train!

We were like drowned rats (or shud that be 'mice', since we'd been drinkin in a boozer of that name?) by the time we reached the shelter of the station roof and very luckily wor train WOZ'NT cancelled (unlike many others) and so 'on we got' for the torturous 300 mile jorney south, with speed restrictions in place of 50mph or much less, because of the high winds!----Ower 4 hours later we arrived at King's Cross after wot seemed like a lifetime on the train! (which woz virtually empty, coz they said 'don't travel' on the notices!

'Mal the Inglish skoool teechaa' (hiz spellin' NOT mine!) who had went doon in the afternooon, had booked himself into a hotel in Finchley(north London) and had managed to change it to a triple room, so we had somewhere to sleep!

We arrived by taxi at '2:15 bells', 'aall washed up' and £37 lighter in wor pockets after the taxi ride of 6 or 7 miles!

We were shattered by this time and plonked worselz doon on the beds and went to sleep aalmost immediately! "ZZZzzz!!!"ðŸ˜ī

We awoke at '8:00 am bells' to heed for Holborn by tube and the kip hadn't done me much good, az aa felt like a'd been dragged backwards through a hedge 37 times! (The 12 pints and the soakin' the previous day had certainly taken its toll!!!)

The Shakespeare woz wor destination, which iz next to Holborn tube station for some much needed 'scran' and some more 'ale' (will we never learn!?)

Part Two: "The Stadium from Hell!"

It woz soon time to heed for The Emirates Stadium, for wot would be wor 15th or 16th visit?  The away end woz half empty az the game kicked off at '12:30 bells' (coz the trains were late of course--and some cancelled!) and we held wor own for most of the forst half, with Shelvey hittin the bar after a lang range effort woz tipped onto it by the Arseholes goalie!----Then a shirt pull on Schar in the box wasnt spotted by Atwell the ref or VAR----That woz it from 'us' az the home side missed a couple of good chances to take the lead!  By this time wor end woz virtually full apart from 2 seats next to me, which shud have been occupied by 'Blondie Alan the Morris Dancer' and 'Jimmy the Riddler'! (Just why they couldnt put the kick off time back so that those on the delayed trains could get there for the start, iz shockin' and a total disregard for the travellin fans!)

We were in row 10 near the front and wor seats were soaken with the rain and yes we were VERY wet! (Another 'drowned rat'/'mouse' experience---which they missed!!) 

Unfortunately 'Blondie' and 'Jimmy' live 'in the sticks' and were unable to get to Durham station in time to catch their train!

The 2nd half I'm afraid woz wor downfall az The Arse pressed for the forst goal!----It wasnt lang in comin and in the  55th minute Saka hit a great shot across the box to beat Martin Dubravka in The Toon goal!

It woz soon 2-0 to the home side, scored by Martiell and 'curtains' for NUFC who have now lost on wor previous 11 visits to this venue and its SEVEN years since we actually scored a goal here (Perez in 2014!) Aalso a foul on Wilson in the box woz waved away by the ref and just why VAR didnt check this iz anybodys guess!?

After the 2nd goal went it The Arse fans taunted us with chants of: "You're rich, but you're f**kin' sh*t!"  (Reality check!)

'The Stadium from Hell', az far az we are concerned!

ATTENDANCE: 59,886 (3,000 very tired Toon fans!)

Part Three: "The Jorney FROM hell (2)!"

It woz back to King's Cross after the game where were booked on the '4:30 bells' train yem!  WE were told by a train crew member that we COULD get on a train that left at '3:30 bells' az travel plans and restrictions were NOT in place!----We settled doon in forst class, anly to be told ower the train loudspeakers that we MUST now travel on wor original trains!---We were forced to get off and heeded for The Parcel Yard boozer for some more 'ale' before retornin to catch the '4:30 bells'!

We were supposed to be in coach 'L' but there woz NEE coach 'L' and so we grabbed some seats in coach 'K' (1st class)

Some young Toon fans aged aboot 19 to 25 got on and sat in some other seats behind us, carryin bottles of wine and spirits and they were obviously on drugs az well! (The didn't have 1st class tickets, but there were nee ticket checks!?)  They spent the next 5 hours tryin to sing crap songs at the top of their voices and banging on the tables and windows, az they got drunker and drunker by the minute! (there woz nee escape!)

Neebody from the train crew came to try and calm them doon and from past experiences its a waste of time to try and tell anybody on drink and drugs to act sensibly!----On top of that there woz NEE food or drinks services, which yoo normally get if yoo have a forst class ticket!  (We assumed that this woz because of the idiots behind us and they didnt want any confrontations !)

There woz aalso a fight in the next carriage where one fans got punched in hiz face by a fellow mortal Toon fan!

A'v been travellin' to Toon games on trains for ower 50 years and this, woz the worst trip EVER, for certain! (We have applied for a full refund!- I didn't buy any food or drink for the train, az I expected to be fed and watered and woz starving by the time we got back!)

Anyway!---after nearly 5 hours of 'noise pollution hell', we arrived back in The Toon and aa jumped onto mee bus yem, with none of them on board! (peace porfect peace!)

PS: Az an old mate caalled Dinzzy added: "We were aalways drunk az 'billy goats' when we were younger, but never wanted to fight nee f**ker!"( And never fight or annoy wor own fans eethaa, Dinzzy!)

The train company's have a slogan to report abuse on trains: "See it, say it, sorted!"  When it shud say: See it, say it, sort f**k all!"


We said that 'storm Alwyn' had disrupted wor travel plans, when it woz n fact 'storm Arwen'!---- We apologize Profusely to 'storm Arwen' for any distress caused by wor misinformation!

Friday, 26 November 2021


 Posted from '12:28pm bells' onwards, Friday 26th November 2021


News reaches The Geordie Times that Eddie Howe WILL be present in wor dugoot at The Emirates Stadium tomorrow after he tested negative for covid!  This of course will be the forst time that Ed haz been in the dugoot az he watched hiz forst game in charge v Brentfaad in hiz hotel room, az he had had the dreaded positive test!

Lets hope that he can instill some belief in wor side that haz now went 13 games from the start of the season withoot one solitary win! (includin the Leegue Cup)---The worst record in the entire Futbaall Leegue, az we are the anly one oot of the 92 not to win a game! (134 if yoo include the Scottish leegues!)

We have sold wor allocation of 3,000 tickets and we will be settin off from The Central (station) at 6:00am bells! (alarm set for '4:30 bells'!) (Er!---that's 3 of us NOT 3,000!)  

It iz 11 years since we last won here and 7 years since we last score here!---And we have now lost '10 in a row' at this venue!

So that's an easy 3 points then!?????

A full Geordie Times match report will appear here sometime on Sunday!---Az per usual --- "Watch this space!"

Thursday, 25 November 2021


 Posted 'high noon bells' Thorzday 25th November 2021


News that wor FA Youth Cup tie away to 'The Jellied Eels Mob' of West Ham on Friday December 12th iz to be played at Rush Green Stadium, Romford, in east London, reaches 'The Geordie Times'.

HOWEVER!--- it iz to be played behind closed doors in front of just relatives of the players and club staff, with nee fans admitted!

Yoo would 'fink' that they would play the game at London Stadium to give the youngins some experience of playin in front of a crowd, but in their wisdom West Ham have decided to play it at their trainin' groond stadium instead!

Wot we can't understand iz that 'The NUFC mad-sad groundhoppers' have been there before, az fans were admitted when we played their U23s in December 2019 when we lost 4-0 in the FA Premyaa Resorve Leegue, in front of 143 spectators, includin 7 of us!---?????

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

352 north street, alfreton (v nottm forest u23s)

 Ground number 352

Date of First Visit: 22nd November 2021

North Street (aka Impact Arena), Alfreton, Derbyshire

Nottingham Forest U23s 1

Newcastle United U23s 3 (Elliot Anderson (3)

FA Premier Reserve League 2

Attendance: 252 (includin' aboot 16 NUFC groundhoppers)


Wor number 8 Elliot Anderson scored a superb hat-trick for NUFC to end a 5 game winless streak in north Derbyshire on a cold November neet at Alfreton Town FC's groond, where 'The Friar Tuck Mob' play their home resorve games! (Friar Tuck--Robin Hood---Sherwood forest----Nottingham-----get it?)

4 of us travelled doon in Biffa the Beer's 'jam jar' and after a 2 and a half hour jorney we parked up in a street near the groond and heeded for the nearest boozer which woz caalled 'The Victoria' which woz within hocklin' distance of the tornstiles! (The othaa 2 travellers bein' 'Glennn from Ashington' and 'Blondie Alan the Morris Dancer'!)

After a couple of 'gargels' it woz time to heed for the groond where the clubhoose woz open---and so!---az yi dee!---there woz time to get somemore 'liquid lubrication' with 'Alex of St. George' (who had travelled doon by train) and we took wor pints onto the terrace behind the goal, at the end where we were kickin in the forst half!

The Toon sported wor 'aall black' change kit and it didnt take lang for the forst goal, when the Toon's Joe White woz fouled in the box and the ref pointed straight to spot in the 4th minute!

Up stepped Elliot Anderson to fire home to put wor U23s 1-0 up!

(Sorry aboot the blurred pixs az I woz shakin' with the excitement!)

And then the real 'game changer' just 8 minutes later when their goalie handled the baall ootside the box and woz duly sent off to put them doon to 10 men!

It woz aall 'one way traffic' after this and we got into a conversation with a lassie beside us, who told us wor number 7 Jay Turner-Cook woz hor 17 year old son---and he woz havin a canny game!

Despite several efforts on the Forest goal we couldnt increase wor lead and went in 1-0 up at the break!---It woz then a 'mad-dash' back to the clubhoose, where a steward told us that beer wasn't allowed on the terraces at Forest games, but WOZ at Alfreton games???? (he hadn't seen us take wor pints onto the terraces in the forst half!)

So we drank this one inside the confines of the bar durin' the half time interval!---more ridiculous rules that some idiot(s) had made up!

We swapped ends for the 2nd half and stood behind the uncovered red seats behind that goal.  Goal number 2 came in the 6th minute of the restart when a cross by Niall Brookwell foond Anderson and he fired home for hiz 2nd goal!

It woz aall ower az a contest in the 71st minute when a misstayk by a Forest defender let in Anderson again to force the baall home for hiz hat-trick to light applause from the travellin faithful! 

'The Friar Tuck Mob' scored a consolation goal near the end through Salmon, but it woz aall ower by this stage!

NUFC mad-sad groundhopper 'Dave from York' then made an  appearance to make it 6 who had travelled south!-- (hiz 299th groond, he told us!) (the othaa 10 or so Toon fans we saw, we assumed, lived in the area, az we didnt recognize them!)

THE GAME ACTUALLY KICKED OFF AT '6:58 bells'---2 minutes orly!

It woz an uneventful jorney back up the M1 and we were back on Tyneside just before 'midneet bells'!-----Anothaa one off the 'never endin' list' of new groonds! 

"We may be mental!---we may be mad!---we are the saddest!--- Futbaall supporters!---the world haz ever had!"

Fink 'the mad-sad groundhopper!' (352 and coontin'!)

PS: For a list of the groonds a'v visited with NUFC, set your phone to 'web version' and click on 'ground 000' in right hand column in 'ARCHIVE GROUNDS MATCH REPORTS LIST'                   ('000' iz at the top of the list)


Monday, 22 November 2021


 Posted 'high noon 🔔s' Munday 22nd November 2021


*'The NUFC mad-sad groundhoppers' are off on wor travels again to visit a new groond where we have never played!  It's The Impact Arena in Alfreton, north Derbyshire where wor U23s take on Nottingham Forest U23s in a '7:00 bells' kick off!
It's the home of Alfreton Town who play in the National League North (The same leegue az Gatesheed---Level 6 in the futbaall pyramid) This will be the 12th groond currently in that leegue that 'The mad-sad groundhoppers' will have visited to watch a NUFC team! (providin' we get there and the game isn't postponed for some reason!?)
Admission iz 'a fiver' for 'big kids' and £3 for sprogs and zimmerframites! (like me!)

4 of us are settin off this afternooon and we shud arrive in good time for some 'gargels' in a nearby boozer (thats if there are any near the groond?) The roond trip iz aroond 300 miles from Tyneside!

Just like wor forst team, wor U23s are winless in their last 5 leegue and cup games and are currently 6th in the Premyaa Leegue 2 table, while The Friar Tuck Mob from Nottingham are even worse, havin not won in their last 7 games! (9th place! oot of 14 teams)

A full Geordie Times match and boozer report on the game will appear here sometime tomorrow! APY "Watch this space!"
In other news, Moan U have sacked Ole after their humiliatin 4-1 defeat at Wotfaad and we naa the PERFECT man to replace him!

1: He iz a Moan U legend!

2: He lives near Manchester and haz done so for many years!

3: He iz currently unemployed after pickin up a FAT severance pay check of £8 MILLION from hiz previous club!

4: He haz ower 20 year experience with numerous clubs az a manager and haz 1,000 games under hiz (FAT) belt, in that role!

5: Hiz favorite sayings in press conferences are: "Keyboard warriors", "There's a mole in the camp!", "Are you callin' me a liar?" and "How's the bacon, did you say?"

The answer iz below--- Don't look doon---just guess?---nee cheatin'!


Sunday, 21 November 2021


 Posted 'high noon bells' Sunday 21st November 2021


We went to this game apprehensive to just wot kind off performance The Toon would put in against Premyaa Leegue new boys Brentfaad, from west London!

Eddie Howe haz Covid and woz forced to watch hiz forst game in charge in hiz hotel room!

Az far az attackin their goal we were excellent, havin 23 shots in total, 9 of them on target and 3 goals to the good!

However!---az far az defendin' gans, we were atrocious, and aall 3 goals conceded were through errors in wor back line!

The goal sequences were az follows:

10th minute: A Jamaal Lascelles heeder from a Matt Richie corner at The Leazes End puts us 1-0 up, but durin' the celebrations wor visitors went up the other end of the pitch and equalised though old boy Ivan Toney (it had to be!) through a bad misstayk by Karl Darlow in The Toon goal! 1-1

31st minute: Brentfaad then took the lead through an unmarked Henry from a far post cross, to silence The Toon fans and delight the 2,500 away fans high up in The Leazes End! 1-2

39th minute: Joelinton scores hiz forst goal of the season from an excellent Saint Max cross, curlin' hiz shot into the bottom corner of the net! 2-2 HT

60th minute: Wor visitors retook the lead on the hour mark, against the run of play, after the unfortunate Jamaal Lascelles deflected a Onyeka shot into hiz own goal with Darlow stranded! 2-3 (meeenin that he had scored a goal for both teams!)

75th minute: Saint Max then rescued a point az he fired a pin point cross from substitute Ryan Fraser into the net at The Gallowgate End, to send the crowd wild! (Eddie Howe had been on the phone to assistant manager Tindall to put Fraser on just before the goal!)

Unfortunateely we couldnt find the winner with Joelinton slippin in the box to miss a great chance near the end---and so we had to settle for one point!---Nohrich's win ower Sooothampton meeenz we dropped to the bottom of the table, continuin' wor record winless start to a season ever, to 12 games! (13 if yoo included the Leegue Cup!)

Like we say!---While wor attackin woz great for a change, wor defendin' woz anything but, and Eddie Howe must somehow stop wor very leaky defence!----The sooner Martin Debravka iz back in goal the better! 

Attendance: 52,131 (2,500 Brentfaad fans)




NEWS AT 'TEN'! (Sunday)

PS: Spare a thought for Toon fan Colonel Gadaffi (The one from Bracknell near Reading, NOT the one from Tripoli, Libya!) 

He caught the '10:15 bells' train from The Central (station) to King's Cross in London on Sunday mornin'
He got az far az Donny (Doncaster) when the train suddenly stopped!
The train in front, a 'Grand Central' train from mackemland had broken doon in front of them!   
After an hour's wait the train heeded back north to York! Where he woz told to get a train across the Pennines, az the line to London wud be blocked for some considerable time!   
He got off and caught a train to Leeedz---and then anothaa to Manchester----and anothaa to London----and anothaa to Reading----and finally anothaa to Bracknell in Berkshire, where he arrived TEN HOURS after he'd left the Toon, travellin on SIX different trains in the long drawn oot process! (It's never eazy, bein a Toon fan!)

The Guiness Book of Records have been informed!

Saturday, 20 November 2021


 Posted 'high noon bells' Friday 19th November 2021

Updated Saturday '10:25am bells'


News that Eddie Howe haz tested positive for Covid yesterday evenin', meeenz that he will miss hiz forst game in charge!----Yi couldn't make it up!---Graeme Jones and Jason Tindall will be on the bench instead az Eddie watches on from hiz hotel in isolation!

He will speak to every player individually via Zoom before the match!


NUFC take on Brentfaad tomorrow at SJP with Eddie Howe in charge for the forst time in a '3:00 bells' start!

We really divvint naa just wot to expect, but expectations are high amonst the fan base and hopefully Eddie haz awoken some of wor players from their slumbers, under wor former manager's 'watch' and that we can expect at least some shots on goal at the very least!

This will be wor 12th attempt to win a Premyaa Leegue game this season (13 games if yoo include the Leegue Cup!) and this iz an unwanted club record from the start of a season, stretchin' back to the 19th century!

It will be very interestin' to see wor startin line up with a full hoose of ower 52,000 present come '3 bells' on Saturday! (We will find oot at '2:00 bells' tomorrow)

We can anly hope that we can get wor forst win of the season and that NUFC can climb oot of danger by Xmas?

It certainly won't be easy, but at least we now have some 'hope' with Eddie and wor new very rich owners in charge!

The January window iz 9 games away, and we must fight tooth and nail to try and escape from the bottom 3 by then!

A tale of the unexpected if we do win against Brentfaad--or if we don't---az the case may be? 🙏

A full 'Geordie Times' match report will appear here, az per usual, sometime on Sunday!

The front cover of the match programme tomorrow

Friday, 19 November 2021


 Posted '5:00pm bells' Friday 19th November 2021

News that the NUFC MD iz now the former NUFC MD, haz reached 'The Geordie Times'!

He started off az a 'stamp licker' office boy to former secretary Russell Cushing and woz promoted to MD by wor previous owner 'The Fat Controller'! (????)

He negotiated the appointment of 'The Wally with the Brolly', Steve McClaren az manager and said at the time that he woz, "The perfect fit for the job!"

 10 months later NUFC were RELEGATED to the Championship!  (Say no more!)

The anly thing to get rid of now are them AAFUL SD signs that blight wor groond!

Then we can finally get wor club back!

Thursday, 18 November 2021


 Posted 'high noon bells' Thorzday 18th November 2021

Last neet wor U23s drew 1-1 with 'uddersfeeeld in The Premyaa leegue Cup at Blue Flames! (aka Whitley Park)

We came back after wor visitors took the lead through a 1st half penalty in the 30th minute, when Jay Turner-Cooke scored with a deflected shot 5 mins into the 2nd half to grab a point!

Crowd: 316

Wednesday, 17 November 2021


 Posted 'high noon bells' Wedinzday 17th November 2021

'The Heedbangers' of Gatesheed pulled of a great result in their FA Cup 1st roond replay at Altrincham last neet!

They won 3-2 to set up a moooth watering home 2nd roond tie against Leegue One Charlton Athletic!

Nee less than NINE! former Toon players were on duty for 'The Heedbangers' last neet in their 14 man squad, includin' player manager Mike Williamson!

And they were: Adam Campbell, Gregg Olley, Dan Ward, Owen Bailey, Alex Nicholson, Louis Story, Jack Hunter, Cedwyn Scott and of course Mike Williamson!

The tie will be on the telly (ITV 4) and will be played on Friday 3rd December at '7:45 bells'---NUFC divvint play til the next day at home to 'The Bornley Hillbillies' and so a large crowd iz anticipated at Gatesheed Stadium!

In othaa news, Gary Hoffman haz resigned az The Premyaa Leegue's chairman, az the so caalled 'big sicks' ("er!" SIX!) are not happy that they wornt informed that the NUFC takeower woz given the green light!

Proof that they HAVE interfered in the PIF takeower, when it woz supposed to be confidential!

No doubt much more to follow on aall this!

Tuesday, 16 November 2021


 Posted 'high noon bells' Tuesday 16th November 2021

Harry Kane went very close to scorin 5 goals in Ing-er-land's 10-0 record win ower San Marino yesterday!

He got 4, includin 2 penalties, before bein' substituted on the hour mark!

This meeenz that 'Supermac' (Malcolm Macdonald), who scored a record breakin' 5 goals against Cyprus at Wembley in 1975, in a European Championship qualifier, STILL HOLDS THE GOALS RECORD for an Inglish player in a competitive game! 

And he did it az an NUFC player of course!

Long may this record stand!

Altogether now!

"Supermac superstar, how many goals have yoo scored so far?"

Sunday, 14 November 2021


 Posted 'high noon bells' Sunday 14th November 2021


The Geordie Times haz written so many "Yi couldnt make it up!" stories aboot wor futbaall travels and this one iz near the top of the list, beleeeve yoo me!

Coz of the International break there woz nee Toon game ower the weekend and so aa decided to dee a bit of non leegue groundhoppin' with mee favorite non leegue team, Dunston!

They were playin awaay to Marine of Liverpoool in the FA Trophy and az a'd never been to their groond aa managed to 'cadge a lift' on the team bus!

An uneventval jorney, (apart from gettin stuck in a massive traffic jam on the M62 near Manchester!) and we arrived in good time for the pre match 'gargels' which took place in 'The Edinburgh' next to the groond and then onward to the clubhoose, which woz packed to the rafters!

A'd met 'Davy the Silver Fox' and hiz ever faithful drinkin' partner Barbara (hiz wife!) in 'The Edinburgh', who follow 'The Bad Blue Boys' home and away and we made for the tornstiles 5minutes  before kick off, az there woz a minutes silence for those who lost their lives in conflict! ("We will remember them!")

And then to the match!--because Liverpoool and Evatin wornt playin, like The Toon, there woz a very large crowd for this level of futbaall, in a groond that had its main stand behind the goal and a deed narrow covered terrace on one side and a high fence on the other in a vain attempt to stop the baalls gannin into somebodys back garden!---The numbers on the fence were so they knew where the baalls had landed and they could knock on their door and ask for the baalls back! ("Can we have our ball back please, mister!")

We heeded for the far end of the groond where there woz an open terrace, az Dunston were kickin' that way in the forst half!

It wasnt a very good half to be honest and the 'highlight' woz a big green balloon that the local kids had brung to the match, which blew onto the pitch!---A crowd steward picked it up az the kids asked for their balloon back, but the b*stard burst it instead, to loud boooos from them!

It shud be noted that 'The Bad Blue Boys' played in an aall red kit, by the way, while Marine played in white shirts and black shorts!

Anyway!---the 2nd half started under the floodlights az it woz gettin dark and 4 minutes later they went oot aall of a sudden!

After a while the ref took the players off the pitch and by amazin' coincidence the Dunston number 4 Phil Turnbull woz a 'sparky' (electrician!) and he frantically tried to fix the lights!-----It then went 'viral' with the BBC and Sky Sports reportin' it! (Surely yi couldnt make THIS up!?)

The ref gave a deadline of '5 bells' for the lights to be fixed, or else the game would be abandoned! (Davy and Barbara had to catch a train and couldnt wait for the restart)

Apparently, The Dunston player could anly fix one of the lights despite frantic efforts!---Az he had'nt brought hiz electricians tool box with him to the match (believe it or not?) it took another local 'sparky' Marine fan to help him dee it, az he lived just doon the road!--The chairman of Marine gave him a lift to pick HIZ toolbox up from hiz hoose at '4:45 bells'! (It get crazier every minute folks!)

A miracle then happened az aall the lights suddenly came on, with loud cheers from the fans who had patiently waited in hope that they could be fixed!

The game restarted at '5:05 bells' and the delay seemed to put Dunston oot of their stride and they conceded 2 goals in quick succession from Wignall and Reilly and the game looked dead a buried!

But 'The Bad Blue Boys' are made of sterner stuff and fought back with goals from Sado Djalo and Lee Mason to send the game into penalty kick mode!

Unfortunately for 'us' Marine won it by 5 kicks to 4, az the game ended at '6 bells'----3 hours after it started, which makes it the langest game av ever been tee, from start to finish!

Team sheet and green match ticket---proof that 'we woz there'!

Attendance: 1,202 (a few from Dunston + quite a few watchin' on from their back gardens and hoose windows!)


The 'sparky' in question got some stick on the bus back yem for forgettin' hiz toolbox and nee doubt he will have it on the next away trip!---JUST IN CASE! 

Fans in the crowd put their phone lights on and people in the hooses that surroond the pitch put their spotlights on, in a frantic effort to get the match restarted!


Updated on Munday from the national press!