Posted '10:40am bells' Sunday 30th Joon 2019
I renewed my NUFC away season ticket yesterday!
I must be completely mad!

This website iz dedecated to the Newcastle United groundhoppers who follow the fortunes of the team aroond the world (and beyond!) The ground totals include competitive and friendly forst team, resorve team, junior team and Newcastle United X1 games that 'the mad-sad groundhopper' has attended, aall for Newcastle United games only, in the last SEVEN decades*** cheers!***'Fink' (the mad-sad groundhopper!)***last count 372 (373 inc Motspur Park outside)
Sunday, 30 June 2019
Friday, 28 June 2019
Posted '5:00pm bells' Friday 28th Joon 2019
Ower the last 12 years of The Fat Controller's calamitous 'reign'? wor local 'rag' 'The Ronny Gill' haz printed many front page heedlines askin' him to pack hiz bags and "GET OOT OF TOON!"
Here are TEN very good reasons for him to depart and never darken the corridors of St. James' Park again!
Ower the last 12 years of The Fat Controller's calamitous 'reign'? wor local 'rag' 'The Ronny Gill' haz printed many front page heedlines askin' him to pack hiz bags and "GET OOT OF TOON!"
Here are TEN very good reasons for him to depart and never darken the corridors of St. James' Park again!
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Posted '4:20pm bells' Friday 28th Joon 2019
And on a happier subject than we have been postin' in recent weeks!
The USA haz just recorded it's FIFTY THOOSANDTH (50,000th) pageview in The Geordie Times!
We thank everybody from San Francisco to Florida and from Texas to New York City for their support of this daft Toon website!
Once again thank yooo very much for loggin' in!
1: United Kingdom: 175, 526 (Ing-er-land, Scotland, Northern Ireland &Wales)
2: United States of America: 50,012
3: Ukraine: 24,272
4: The Israelites:17,917
5: Jawmany: 17,781
6: Rushaa: 11,788
7: (Lost in) France: 8,998
8: (Mee old) China: 4,696
9: The Guinness Republic: 4,644
10: Spain: 3,046
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And on a happier subject than we have been postin' in recent weeks!
The USA haz just recorded it's FIFTY THOOSANDTH (50,000th) pageview in The Geordie Times!
We thank everybody from San Francisco to Florida and from Texas to New York City for their support of this daft Toon website!
Once again thank yooo very much for loggin' in!
1: United Kingdom: 175, 526 (Ing-er-land, Scotland, Northern Ireland &Wales)
2: United States of America: 50,012
3: Ukraine: 24,272
4: The Israelites:17,917
5: Jawmany: 17,781
6: Rushaa: 11,788
7: (Lost in) France: 8,998
8: (Mee old) China: 4,696
9: The Guinness Republic: 4,644
10: Spain: 3,046
Thursday, 27 June 2019
Posted '2:22pm bells' Thorsday 27th Joon 2019
News that 'Wor Flags' are to stop their displays of the giant Gallowgate End flag in protest at Rafa's despicable departure, has reached The Geordie Times!
Indeed aall the flags will stop bein' displayed for the foreseeable future!
It's sad that aall the efforts and expense to get the giant flag made in Poland will not be displayed any more until 'The Fat Controller' sells wor great club!
A great idea would be to display the giant flag in Leazes Park, which sits in the shadows of St James' Park, with outraged fans standin' aroond it, showin' wor total contempt of a man who shows total contempt for us!
Hopefully wor much despised owner will sell up and get 'oot of Toon' very soon!
News that 'Wor Flags' are to stop their displays of the giant Gallowgate End flag in protest at Rafa's despicable departure, has reached The Geordie Times!
Indeed aall the flags will stop bein' displayed for the foreseeable future!
It's sad that aall the efforts and expense to get the giant flag made in Poland will not be displayed any more until 'The Fat Controller' sells wor great club!
A great idea would be to display the giant flag in Leazes Park, which sits in the shadows of St James' Park, with outraged fans standin' aroond it, showin' wor total contempt of a man who shows total contempt for us!
Hopefully wor much despised owner will sell up and get 'oot of Toon' very soon!
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Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Posted '4:05pm bells' Wedinzday 26th Joon 2019
Both Jose Mourinho and Arsene Wenger have ruled themselves oot of the current vacant managers job at NUFC
Jose saying that a top 8, 9 or 10 finish is 'not for him' and that he wants to join a club who want to win things and Arsene has more or less said the same!
Reeely, it doesn't matter who takes ower, the fans are in revolt and news that several players in wor paper thin squad now 'want a transfor' comes az nee suprize whatsoever!
In othaa words, the whole sorry mess iz aboot to 'implode' and a doonward spiral will surely follow now!
Supermac haz said on SKY today that aall 'The Fat Controller' wants iz "A yes man!" who will grovel, not complain, tow the line and pick up hiz meagre wages (in comparison to Rafa's) and try against aall the odds to keep us up!
Sean Longstaff iz reportedly taalkin to Moan United 'az we speak' and more are sure to follow!
'Fat Sam the Ugly Man' haz 'hoyed hiz hat into the ring' and said "Who wouldn't want to manage them!"
This iz the same fat conman who danced a 'jig of delight' when hearin' the news that we were relegated when he woz manager of the SMBs!
Don't be suprized if 'The Fat Controller' appoints him, just to annoy us even more!
The usual 'suspects' have aalso been mentioned like Gary Monk, Moyzzy and Alan Pardew, etc etc!!! "Yes men every one!"
Wor anly hope it seems iz IF the takeower will happen IF it ever does!----or else--in the words of Private Frazer off 'Dads Army'----
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Both Jose Mourinho and Arsene Wenger have ruled themselves oot of the current vacant managers job at NUFC
Jose saying that a top 8, 9 or 10 finish is 'not for him' and that he wants to join a club who want to win things and Arsene has more or less said the same!
Reeely, it doesn't matter who takes ower, the fans are in revolt and news that several players in wor paper thin squad now 'want a transfor' comes az nee suprize whatsoever!
In othaa words, the whole sorry mess iz aboot to 'implode' and a doonward spiral will surely follow now!
Supermac haz said on SKY today that aall 'The Fat Controller' wants iz "A yes man!" who will grovel, not complain, tow the line and pick up hiz meagre wages (in comparison to Rafa's) and try against aall the odds to keep us up!
Sean Longstaff iz reportedly taalkin to Moan United 'az we speak' and more are sure to follow!
'Fat Sam the Ugly Man' haz 'hoyed hiz hat into the ring' and said "Who wouldn't want to manage them!"
This iz the same fat conman who danced a 'jig of delight' when hearin' the news that we were relegated when he woz manager of the SMBs!
Don't be suprized if 'The Fat Controller' appoints him, just to annoy us even more!
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The usual 'suspects' have aalso been mentioned like Gary Monk, Moyzzy and Alan Pardew, etc etc!!! "Yes men every one!"
Wor anly hope it seems iz IF the takeower will happen IF it ever does!----or else--in the words of Private Frazer off 'Dads Army'----
Tuesday, 25 June 2019
Posted '2:23pm bells' Tuesday 25th Joon 2019
Yesterday woz one of the blackest days in NUFC's history with Rafa shown the door, with the club tellin' the media forst aboot hiz departure---and NOT tellin' Rafa that they had done that!
He found oot from a friend that NUFC had informed the media that he woz leavin'!
A very shoddy way to treat a great manager with contempt!
Nee class from an arrogant regime that couldn't give 2 monkeys f***'s aboot anybody but themselves!
This woz the day that 'broke the camel's back' and this time many loyal fans HAVE had enough and have vowed not to buy the most expensive new strip in futbaall (£65 for a large top!) or renew their expensive season tickets, which have went up anothaa 5%, to watch (which no doubt will be) dire futbaall and yet another relegation battle!
Personally, I will still gan coz I cant stop myself! (I am on the10 year season ticket deal anyway and my price iz 'frozen' and am payin' for next season's ticket aalready!)
We reeely don't know what to say aboot wor fate next season, but wor anly hope iz for the 'so caalled takeower' to happen very very soon, or else we will start the new season with a weak squad, nee new players and nee hope for the future IF 'The Fat Controller' stays in charge!
(On hearin' of Rafa's departure on Munday, Alan Shearer caalled the club, "A SHAMBLES!")
And az for a new manager?---whoever it iz, he iz on a hidin' to nothin'! Aa meen, how do yoo replace Rafa? (Joke Kinnear for the 3rd time perhaps?)--divvint rule it oot under the current chaotic regime!
Rafa isn't the anly one to be treated with total contempt--ask Kevin Keegan and Alan Shearer AND 52,000 loyal fans!
When the club celebrated wor 125th anniversary in December 2017 they paraded former players on the pitch before the game with Lestaa City, but both record goal scorer Alan Shearer and club legend Kevin Keegan were conspicuous by their absence!
Shearer woz actually in a private box in 'The Milburn Stand' that game and 'watched on' az the players milked the applause on the pitch!---He and Keegan yoo see, wornt invited az they had dared to criticise the shambolic runnin' of the club!---And Keegan of course had sued--and won a case against the club for hiz chaotic dismissal.
"It's not like it said in the brochure!", waz hiz partin' shot at 'The Fat Controller'!
The bar underneath 'The Gallowgate End' named 'Shearer's woz aalso changed to 'NINE', to 'get back' at wor record goal scorer and they wouldn't even allow a statue of him to be within the stadium boundary and so it stands on a block of demolished toilets on Barrack Road!?
It's aall so pig heeded, sad and unnessesary az the NUFC hierarchy shud show some respect to former players and managers! We shud aalso be fightin' for honours and European futbaall and not a potential THORD (3rd!) relegation under 'The Fat Controller's leadership?
And ask yourself this very important question:
Yesterday woz one of the blackest days in NUFC's history with Rafa shown the door, with the club tellin' the media forst aboot hiz departure---and NOT tellin' Rafa that they had done that!
He found oot from a friend that NUFC had informed the media that he woz leavin'!
A very shoddy way to treat a great manager with contempt!
Nee class from an arrogant regime that couldn't give 2 monkeys f***'s aboot anybody but themselves!
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This woz the day that 'broke the camel's back' and this time many loyal fans HAVE had enough and have vowed not to buy the most expensive new strip in futbaall (£65 for a large top!) or renew their expensive season tickets, which have went up anothaa 5%, to watch (which no doubt will be) dire futbaall and yet another relegation battle!
Personally, I will still gan coz I cant stop myself! (I am on the10 year season ticket deal anyway and my price iz 'frozen' and am payin' for next season's ticket aalready!)
We reeely don't know what to say aboot wor fate next season, but wor anly hope iz for the 'so caalled takeower' to happen very very soon, or else we will start the new season with a weak squad, nee new players and nee hope for the future IF 'The Fat Controller' stays in charge!
(On hearin' of Rafa's departure on Munday, Alan Shearer caalled the club, "A SHAMBLES!")
And az for a new manager?---whoever it iz, he iz on a hidin' to nothin'! Aa meen, how do yoo replace Rafa? (Joke Kinnear for the 3rd time perhaps?)--divvint rule it oot under the current chaotic regime!
Rafa isn't the anly one to be treated with total contempt--ask Kevin Keegan and Alan Shearer AND 52,000 loyal fans!
When the club celebrated wor 125th anniversary in December 2017 they paraded former players on the pitch before the game with Lestaa City, but both record goal scorer Alan Shearer and club legend Kevin Keegan were conspicuous by their absence!
Shearer woz actually in a private box in 'The Milburn Stand' that game and 'watched on' az the players milked the applause on the pitch!---He and Keegan yoo see, wornt invited az they had dared to criticise the shambolic runnin' of the club!---And Keegan of course had sued--and won a case against the club for hiz chaotic dismissal.
"It's not like it said in the brochure!", waz hiz partin' shot at 'The Fat Controller'!
The bar underneath 'The Gallowgate End' named 'Shearer's woz aalso changed to 'NINE', to 'get back' at wor record goal scorer and they wouldn't even allow a statue of him to be within the stadium boundary and so it stands on a block of demolished toilets on Barrack Road!?
It's aall so pig heeded, sad and unnessesary az the NUFC hierarchy shud show some respect to former players and managers! We shud aalso be fightin' for honours and European futbaall and not a potential THORD (3rd!) relegation under 'The Fat Controller's leadership?
And ask yourself this very important question:
Monday, 24 June 2019
Sunday, 23 June 2019
Posted '10:30am bells' Sunday 23rd Joon 2019
With just one week of Rafa's contract to gan, we will find oot wor fate!---and it doesnt look good!
Rafa Benitez:
"And now the end is near--and so I face the final curtain!
I've done my level best--to keep us up--and that's for certain!
I love Newcastle fans--but I hate 'The Fat Controller'!
And I'm afraid to say--in 7 days--it could be over!"
With just one week of Rafa's contract to gan, we will find oot wor fate!---and it doesnt look good!
Rafa Benitez:
"And now the end is near--and so I face the final curtain!
I've done my level best--to keep us up--and that's for certain!
I love Newcastle fans--but I hate 'The Fat Controller'!
And I'm afraid to say--in 7 days--it could be over!"
Friday, 21 June 2019
Posted '1:59pm bells' Friday 21st Joon 2019
It has been revealed by wor 'little sister' 'The Times' of London, that NUFC's new home shirt iz the most expensive in The Premyaa Leegue at an eye waaterin' £65 for a large, short sleeved adult shirt!
The club tell us that its "A tribute" to the Fairs Cup winning shirt from 1969?, but it looks nowt like it and iz one of the worst Toon shirts we have ever seen!
One thick black stripe doon the front and two thick white stripes to each side with the rest 'aall black' iz nothing like the 1969 iconic version and already fans have said they won't buy it!
Who are they tryin' to kid?
Meeenwhile!---and az you'd expect!---there iz absolutleee NEE news aboot Rafa's contract, which runs oot in 9 days----the possible takeower---or any new incomin' players----but "YES!" come and buy wor new extortionately priced home shirt, "yoo gullible idiots!"
It has been revealed by wor 'little sister' 'The Times' of London, that NUFC's new home shirt iz the most expensive in The Premyaa Leegue at an eye waaterin' £65 for a large, short sleeved adult shirt!
The club tell us that its "A tribute" to the Fairs Cup winning shirt from 1969?, but it looks nowt like it and iz one of the worst Toon shirts we have ever seen!
One thick black stripe doon the front and two thick white stripes to each side with the rest 'aall black' iz nothing like the 1969 iconic version and already fans have said they won't buy it!
Who are they tryin' to kid?
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Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Posted '4:17pm bells' Wedinzday 19th Joon 2019
NUFC have just released pictures of wor new strip for the 2019-2020 season, claimin' that the design is very similar and "A TRIBUTE" to the Fairs Cup winning strip of 1969?
We leave you to draw your own conclusions!ðģ
NUFC have just released pictures of wor new strip for the 2019-2020 season, claimin' that the design is very similar and "A TRIBUTE" to the Fairs Cup winning strip of 1969?
We leave you to draw your own conclusions!ðģ
Monday, 17 June 2019
Posted '3:55pm bells' Munday 17th Joon 2019
'The Geordie Times' haz hord from 2 different reliable sauces that 'Rafa the Gaffer' haz cleared hiz desk after a suprize visit to wor trainin' groond in Benton last week!
'The Geordie Times' haz hord from 2 different reliable sauces that 'Rafa the Gaffer' haz cleared hiz desk after a suprize visit to wor trainin' groond in Benton last week!
Sunday, 16 June 2019
Posted '10:38am bells' Sunday 16th Joon 2019
The latest rumours to come oot of NUFC are that Rafa haz cleared his desk in hiz office and that somethin' will be annoonced on Wedinzday aboot the impendin' takeower!
Iz this is just anothaa vicious rumour to add to the previous hundred(s)? OR should we take it with a pinch of salt!???
Can't wait for Wedinzday now! (Or not az the case may be!)
Meeenwhile NUFC have released the followin' statement aboot the above rumours!
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Friday, 14 June 2019
Posted '4:38pm bells' Friday 14th Joon 2019
Thursday, 13 June 2019
Posted '4:56pm bells' Thorsday 13th Joon 2019
NUFC have just appointed a new spokesman to communicate with supporters aboot Rafa, new players and possible new owners!
NUFC have just appointed a new spokesman to communicate with supporters aboot Rafa, new players and possible new owners!
Posted '1:30pm bells' Thorsday 13th Joon 2019 (anly 4 and a half hours late!)
The 'leaked' fixture list yesterday for the new season woz 'fake news' and we will host 'The Arse' at home on a Sunday for live telly and NOT 'The Toffee Noses of Evaatin', away, as woz wrangly leaked!
NUFC Games 'cast in stone' that CANNIT be moved!
Just 2 so far!--The forst and last games of the season!
Sun 11th August: 'The Arse' at home '2:00 bells' live on SKY
Sun 17th May: 'The Liverbirds' at home '3:00 bells'
Telly dates for the rest of August and September are due to be released on 5th July---but divvint haad yer breath!
*After wor game v 'The Arse' we then travel to the newly promoted 'Canary Custard Creams of Norwich' the following Saturday?(hopefully) and then anothaa away game the week after that, which will delight 'The NUFC mad-sad groundhoppers', when we travel to Sporz new abode in "Norf Landan!" for the very forst time!
We finish off August when we host Wotfaad who were slaughtered 6-0 in the FA Cup final against 'The Blue Moonies of Manchester'!
We then must travel to Anfield where we face Champions Leegue winners Liverpoool, who we host on the very last day of the season in May (hope they don't need to beat us to win the Leegue!?)
Ower the festive period we must travel to 'The Theatre of Muppets' on Boxin Day? to face Moan United and on New Years Day? we are at home to 'The Basil Brush Brigade of Lestaa'!
Of course---aall games are subject to change for live telly and opponents who are in European action!
We fully expect that 30 of wor games will be moved for live telly! (One aalready v 'The Arse' in wor forst game of the season!)
Aaall this in the wake of the total chaos and confusion which haz engulfed NUFC once again, az we still divvint naa who wor manager will be or who will own us, when the new season kicks off in 2 months time!? (Nee new players signed so far, eethaa!)
The 'leaked' fixture list yesterday for the new season woz 'fake news' and we will host 'The Arse' at home on a Sunday for live telly and NOT 'The Toffee Noses of Evaatin', away, as woz wrangly leaked!
NUFC Games 'cast in stone' that CANNIT be moved!
Just 2 so far!--The forst and last games of the season!
Sun 11th August: 'The Arse' at home '2:00 bells' live on SKY
Sun 17th May: 'The Liverbirds' at home '3:00 bells'
Telly dates for the rest of August and September are due to be released on 5th July---but divvint haad yer breath!
*36 games oot of the 38 are subject to change
*After wor game v 'The Arse' we then travel to the newly promoted 'Canary Custard Creams of Norwich' the following Saturday?(hopefully) and then anothaa away game the week after that, which will delight 'The NUFC mad-sad groundhoppers', when we travel to Sporz new abode in "Norf Landan!" for the very forst time!
We finish off August when we host Wotfaad who were slaughtered 6-0 in the FA Cup final against 'The Blue Moonies of Manchester'!
We then must travel to Anfield where we face Champions Leegue winners Liverpoool, who we host on the very last day of the season in May (hope they don't need to beat us to win the Leegue!?)
Ower the festive period we must travel to 'The Theatre of Muppets' on Boxin Day? to face Moan United and on New Years Day? we are at home to 'The Basil Brush Brigade of Lestaa'!
Of course---aall games are subject to change for live telly and opponents who are in European action!
We fully expect that 30 of wor games will be moved for live telly! (One aalready v 'The Arse' in wor forst game of the season!)
Aaall this in the wake of the total chaos and confusion which haz engulfed NUFC once again, az we still divvint naa who wor manager will be or who will own us, when the new season kicks off in 2 months time!? (Nee new players signed so far, eethaa!)
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Posted '4:04pm bells' Wedinzday 12th Joon 2019
With nee resolution az to who will be wor manager or owner next season---and with nee new players signed so far---the fixtures for the new season will be oot at '9:00am bells' tomorrow mornin'!
Of course--oot of the 38 games to be played, we expect at least 30 of them will be changed for live telly and for opponents who are in European action!
Leaked reports claim that wor forst game will be away against 'The Toffee Noses of Evaatin' at Goodison Park on the 10th August!
(Likely to be changed IF this iz true?---although NOT accordin' to the live telly list below, which haz us az a '3:00 bells' Saturday KO!)
(Note that there iz NEE Friday neet fixture for live telly az we were told there would be?----iz this 'Fake News'?)
'The Geordie Times' will of course bring yoo, wor loyal subjects the fixture news 'second hand, forst', when aa get up after mee night 'truck run' to Manchester (aboot 4 hours after they are published elsewhere!)
Reeed 'The Geordie Times' for aall the latest news!----last!
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With nee resolution az to who will be wor manager or owner next season---and with nee new players signed so far---the fixtures for the new season will be oot at '9:00am bells' tomorrow mornin'!
Of course--oot of the 38 games to be played, we expect at least 30 of them will be changed for live telly and for opponents who are in European action!
Leaked reports claim that wor forst game will be away against 'The Toffee Noses of Evaatin' at Goodison Park on the 10th August!
(Likely to be changed IF this iz true?---although NOT accordin' to the live telly list below, which haz us az a '3:00 bells' Saturday KO!)
(Note that there iz NEE Friday neet fixture for live telly az we were told there would be?----iz this 'Fake News'?)
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'The Geordie Times' will of course bring yoo, wor loyal subjects the fixture news 'second hand, forst', when aa get up after mee night 'truck run' to Manchester (aboot 4 hours after they are published elsewhere!)
Reeed 'The Geordie Times' for aall the latest news!----last!
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
Posted '4:05pm bells' Tuesday 11th Joon 2019
News that 'mackem born deserter' Jordan Henderson iz very likely to be given the freedom of sund'land, followin' hiz Champions Leegue success with Liverpoool, haz reached 'The Geordie Times'!
Az coincidence will have it, on this day 50 years ago, anothaa 'mackem born hero', Pop Robson won a Inter Cities Fairs Cup winners medal!-- with! ----NUFC!
News that 'mackem born deserter' Jordan Henderson iz very likely to be given the freedom of sund'land, followin' hiz Champions Leegue success with Liverpoool, haz reached 'The Geordie Times'!
Az coincidence will have it, on this day 50 years ago, anothaa 'mackem born hero', Pop Robson won a Inter Cities Fairs Cup winners medal!-- with! ----NUFC!
Posted '3:20pm bells' Tuesday 11th Joon 2019
The club have just released the followin' statement regardin' Rafa's contract, the proposed takeower, incomin' transfers and season ticket sales dates for 2019-2020!
The club have just released the followin' statement regardin' Rafa's contract, the proposed takeower, incomin' transfers and season ticket sales dates for 2019-2020!
Monday, 10 June 2019
Posted '4:30pm bells' Munday 10th Joon 2019
News reaches us from wor paparazzi fotogrifaa that Rafa the Gaffer haz returned unexpectedly to wor trainin ground in Benton.
We hord news yesterday through the grapevine that aall club employeeez were asked to come to work today smartly dressed, for some unexplained reason? (foreign visitors perhaps from the middle east?)
We have ne idea if the above 2 news stories meen anything at aall---BUT! we live in hope of course!
The Geordie Times will of course keep yoo, wor loyal reeeders informed of any forthaa developments az they happen!
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(Geordie Times excluuusive!)
News reaches us from wor paparazzi fotogrifaa that Rafa the Gaffer haz returned unexpectedly to wor trainin ground in Benton.
We hord news yesterday through the grapevine that aall club employeeez were asked to come to work today smartly dressed, for some unexplained reason? (foreign visitors perhaps from the middle east?)
We have ne idea if the above 2 news stories meen anything at aall---BUT! we live in hope of course!
The Geordie Times will of course keep yoo, wor loyal reeeders informed of any forthaa developments az they happen!
Saturday, 8 June 2019
Posted '1:55pm bells' Saturday 8th Joon 2019
NUFC fans are not the only ones who are in turmoil on Tyneside!
The other 'black n whites' from across the sacred Tyne river, Gatesheed F.C. have b een demoted from The National Leegue to The National Leegue North, after financial iregualities from their former far east owner!
2 Heedbanger fans have bought the club and the hope is that they can play at Gatesheed Stadium next season, after bein' kicked oot of their home by Gatesheed council for non payment of rent!
There is relief however, as it could have been much worse and they could have ended up in the Northern Leegue or worse!
They will have a few derbies as well, against arch rivals The Spartans of Blyth, Darlo and Spennymoor Toon.
We wish them well!
NUFC fans are not the only ones who are in turmoil on Tyneside!
The other 'black n whites' from across the sacred Tyne river, Gatesheed F.C. have b een demoted from The National Leegue to The National Leegue North, after financial iregualities from their former far east owner!
2 Heedbanger fans have bought the club and the hope is that they can play at Gatesheed Stadium next season, after bein' kicked oot of their home by Gatesheed council for non payment of rent!
There is relief however, as it could have been much worse and they could have ended up in the Northern Leegue or worse!
They will have a few derbies as well, against arch rivals The Spartans of Blyth, Darlo and Spennymoor Toon.
We wish them well!
Friday, 7 June 2019
Posted '2:15pm bells' Friday 7th Joon 2019
Most of the ugly red, white and blue advertisin' signs, which have blighted SJP for years, have finally foond their 'rightful place' in a rubbish skip underneath The Milburn Stand!
We were told that they had been taken down for "cleaning", but just how do you clean advertisin' signs in a rubbish skip?
Wor eagle eyed paparazzi fotogrifaa took this exclusive fotograaf this mornin' as he passed the groond!
We have nee idea if this has anythin' to see with the proposed takeower, but we can only hope it's TRUE and that we will finally get rid of wor 'muthaa in law' 'The Fat Controller', who has been an uninvited 'get'--"sorry!" 'guest', for the past 12 bleak years!
We live in hope!ð
Most of the ugly red, white and blue advertisin' signs, which have blighted SJP for years, have finally foond their 'rightful place' in a rubbish skip underneath The Milburn Stand!
We were told that they had been taken down for "cleaning", but just how do you clean advertisin' signs in a rubbish skip?
Wor eagle eyed paparazzi fotogrifaa took this exclusive fotograaf this mornin' as he passed the groond!
We have nee idea if this has anythin' to see with the proposed takeower, but we can only hope it's TRUE and that we will finally get rid of wor 'muthaa in law' 'The Fat Controller', who has been an uninvited 'get'--"sorry!" 'guest', for the past 12 bleak years!
We live in hope!ð
Thursday, 6 June 2019
Posted 'high noon bells' Thorzday 6th Joon 2019
We divvint naa if this meeenz anythin' or not, but me mobile 'telling bone' has been gannin ballistic in the last 24 hours!
We divvint naa if this meeenz anythin' or not, but me mobile 'telling bone' has been gannin ballistic in the last 24 hours!
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- 001 st james park 2014 v Liverpool (1)
- 002 joker park blunderland 1967 (1)
- 002 joker park revisited 1970 (1)
- 003 anfield liverpool (1)
- 004 highbury arsenal (1)
- 005 molinuex wolves (1)
- 006 loftus road qpr (1)
- 006 revisited loftus road qpr (1)
- 007 maine road manchester city (1)
- 008 the dell southampton (1)
- 009 upton park last ever visit 2015 (1)
- 009 upton park west ham (1)
- 010 ibrox park rangers (1)
- 011 highfield road coventry (1)
- 012 redheugh park gateshead (1)
- 013 city ground Nottingham forest (1)
- 014 selhurst park crystal palace (2)
- 015 bloomfield road (1)
- 016 goodison park everton (1)
- 017 filbert street Leicester 1992 (1)
- 018 Victoria ground stoke (1)
- 021 edgar street hereford (1)
- 022 bramall lane sheffield (1)
- 023 baseball ground derby (1)
- 026 white hart lane tottenham (1)
- 028 old show ground scunthorpe (1)
- 030 hillsborough sheffield (v burnley) (1)
- 034 turf moor burnley (1)
- 040 boothferry park hull (2)
- 044 shielfield park berwick (1)
- 045 the den millwall (1)
- 050 craven cottage fulham (1)
- 053 boundary park oldham (1)
- 055 home park plymouth 2010 (1)
- 058 carrow road Norwich (revisited 2017) (1)
- 059 revisited oakwell Barnsley 2016 (1)
- 061 (revisited 2007) Victoria ground (now 'park') hartlepool (1)
- 069 palmerston park queen of the south (1)
- 070 easter road hibernian (1)
- 073 vicarage road watford (1)
- 078 ferens park durham (1)
- 086 dens park dundee (1)
- 090 dean court bournemouth (1)
- 091 elm park reading (1)
- 091 elm park reading revisited (1)
- 097 ashton gate revisited Bristol city (1)
- 100 away pub crawl challenge (1)
- 100 prenton park tranmere (1)
- 100 pub crawl challenge (1)
- 102 roots hall southend (1)
- 105 revisited bootham crescent york (1)
- 106 belle vue doncaster (1)
- 108 griffin park revisited 2017 (1)
- 109 porta elisa luccese italy (1)
- 110 stadio san nicola bari italy (1)
- 113 derwent park (1)
- 120 victoria pleasure grounds goole (1)
- 133 riverside stadium (1)
- 136 bucks head telford (1)
- 149 doctor pit welfare park bedlington (1)
- 158 olympic/respublikansky stadium kiev (1)
- 166 nou camp barcelona (1)
- 170 (revisited) dalymount park Dublin 2016 (1)
- 177 rockcliffe park middlesbrough (1)
- 187 belle vue park consett (1)
- 187 belle vue park consett last ever visit 2013 (1)
- 192 autoquest stadium Widnes (v Everton res) (1)
- 199 new broomfield park (1)
- 214 wetherby road (1)
- 215 killingworth young persons centre (walker central) (1)
- 220 san siro stadium inter milan (1)
- 223 raydale park gretna (1)
- 233 moss lane Altrincham (man u res) (1)
- 235 stade velodrome marseille (1)
- 247 raizor stadium la coruna 2010 (1)
- 250 kingsley park ryton (nufc academy) (1)
- 251 revisited jjb stadium wigan (1)
- 255 whaddon road cheltenham (1)
- 258 a le coq arena (1)
- 265 Victoria stadium/marston's arena Northwich (v man u res) (1)
- 266 keepmoat stadium doncaster (1)
- 267 ricoh arena coventry (1)
- 268 welfare ground hetton le hole (v s/land res) (1)
- 269 church road north Ferriby (v hull res) (1)
- 270 tallaght stadium dublin (1)
- 271 woodhorn lane ashington (1)
- 272 cardiff city stadium cardiff (1)
- 273: don valley stadium (1)
- 274 liberty stadium swansea (1)
- 275 crown ground accrington (1)
- 276 champions hill stadium dulwich hamlet (1)
- 277 great barr west brom (1)
- 278 leighsports village stadium blackburn (1)
- 279 shirecliffe sheffield (1)
- 280 veld 7 almere (1)
- 281 b2 net stadium chesterfield (1)
- 282 parc y scarlets llanelli (1)
- 283 amex stadium brighton (1)
- 284a and 284b academy of sshh (yee naa wot) cleadon (1)
- 285 NOT motspur park london (1)
- 285a and 285b middlewood sheffield (1)
- 286 brockhall academy blackburn (1)
- 287 gellert stadium chemnitz germany (1)
- 288 estadio algarve faro portugal (1)
- 289 kyocera stadion den haag the hague holland (1)
- 290 municipal stadium of peristeri (1)
- 291 estadio dos barreiros maritimo madeira (1)
- 292 bulls croos training complex spurs reserves (1)
- 293 jan breydel stadion brugge belgium (1)
- 294 underhill barnet london (1)
- 295 stade chaban delmas bordeaux (1)
- 296 silverlake stadium eastleigh (v southampton res) (1)
- 297 metalist stadium karkiv (1)
- 298 luzhniki stadium Moscow (v anzi) (1)
- 299 clayton wood stoke (1)
- 300 estadio da luz benfica (1)
- 301 fir park motherwell (1)
- 302 rugby park kilmarnock (1)
- 303 st Mirren park st mirren (1)
- 304 globe arena morecambe (1)
- 305 Pirelli stadium burton (1)
- 305 revisited perelli stadium burton (1)
- 306 belle vue stadium consett (1)
- 307 NOT! woodside park bishop's stortford (1)
- 307a and 307b aon training complex carrington (1)
- 308 veltins arena gelsenkirchen germany (1)
- 309 priesfield stadium gillingham (1)
- 310 meadow park borehamwood (1)
- 311 grounsell park heaton stannington (1)
- 312 platt lane academy man city (1)
- 313 bigges main wallsend (1)
- 314 the new den millwall (1)
- 315 lostock bolton u18s (1)
- 316 oakwood training centre derby (1)
- 317 city football academy complex (pitch 8) manchester city (1)
- 318 new manor ground ilkeston (1)
- 319 broadfield stadium crawley (v brighton U21s) (1)
- 320 horsfall stadium bradford pa (1)
- 321 Victoria road dagenham (west ham) (1)
- 322 new york stadium rotherham (1)
- 323 roundwood pavilion Rotherham u23s (1)
- 324 kassam stadium oxford (1)
- 325 turnbull ground whitby (v celtic u23s) (1)
- 326 opel arena mainz germany (1)
- 327 st georges park nr burton (v stoke u23s) (1)
- 328 heritage parkbishop auckland(v mboro u23s (1)
- 329 weston homes stadium colchester (1)
- 330 London stadium west ham (1)
- 331 edgeley park stockport (v burnley) (1)
- 332 bracken moor lane stocksbridge (v sheff u u23s) (1)
- 333 adams park Wycombe (reading u23s) (1)
- 334 holker street barrow (1)
- 335 Richmond park st pats ath (1)
- 336 trungle parc mousehole (1)
- 337 estadio dragoa porto (1)
- 338 nethermoor park guiseley (v leeds u23s) (1)
- 339 kingfield stadium woking (v reading u23s) (1)
- 340 Hibernian traing ground (v hibs u20s) (1)
- 341 tottenham hotspur stadium (1)
- 342 moss rose macclesfield (1)
- 343 roy west centre (v hull u23s) (1)
- 344 new meadow shrewsbury (u21s) (1)
- 345 rush green Romford (v west ham u23s) (1)
- 346 spotland rochdale (1)
- 347 (NOT!) wba trainin ground (1)
- 347 LNER STADIUM (1)
- 348 blackwell meadows (1)
- 349 liberty way (1)
- 350 clarence park (1)
- 351 seagrave training ground (v leicester u18s) (1)
- 352 north street (1)
- 353 perth green (1)
- 354 brentford community stadium (1)
- 355 the walk stadium (1)
- 356 saalfelden arena (1)
- 357 grenzlandstadion (1)
- 358 bodymoor heath (v villa u21s) (1)
- 359 arrowmark home improvements stadium (1)
- 360 nigel doherty academy nottingham (v forest u21s (1)
- 361 loughborough university stadium (v derby u21s) (1)
- 362 powerday stadium (1)
- 363 Centro Sportivo (v ac milan u19s) (1)
- 364 brakel training ground (1)
- 365 signal iduna park (1)
- 366 Stade Georges-Lefevre (v PSG U19s) (1)
- 367 parc dez princes (1)
- 368 eco giants stadium (1)
- 369 1st cloud arena south shields (vU21s) (1)
- 370 proctor cars stadium (1)
- 371 the lamb ground (1)
- 372 jakemans stadium (1)
- airdrie (1)
- alfreton (v nottm forest u23s) (1)
- annfield plain (1)
- atrtomitos (1)
- austria (v mainz 05) (1)
- austria (v munich 1860) (1)
- birtley (v leeds u15s) (1)
- blackpool (1)
- Blaydon Races song (1)
- boston (v U21s) (1)
- clitheroe (v Fleetwood U21s) (1)
- darlington (1)
- dortmund (1)
- dortmund (v dortmund u19s) (1)
- estonia (1)
- geordie glossary of terms 'a' to 'z' (1)
- great barr (1)
- greece (1)
- ground zero elland road leeds (1)
- hanwell (v brentford b) (1)
- harrogate (1)
- Jamie's 1st game v wolves u21s (1)
- jarrow (v s'land u15s) (1)
- king's lynn (v norwich u23s) (1)
- kufstein (1)
- matock (v derby u21s) (1)
- middlesbrough (1)
- nuneaton (v Birmingham U23s) (1)
- olympic stadium (1)
- paris sg (1)
- saalfelden (1)
- sheffield (1)
- st albans (v watford u23s) (1)
- tallinn (1)
- tamworth (u21s) (1)
- the geordie times (an explanation) (1)
- the geordie times online (1)
- the toon 1 thetoffees 2 (1)
- the toon v bolton (1)
- YORK (1)