Friday 7 May 2021


 Posted '2:11pm bells' Friday 7th May 2021

Forst of aall!---apologeeeez for not puttin sommik online for a couple of days! This iz because I have been tryin frantically to get through to the NUFC website to book a place on the ballot for one of the 10,000 tickets available for the Sheff United home game later this month!

After an hour and half aa finally got through and booked a place in the huge queue, waitin' to 'log on'!   At the time of writin this, nearly 20,000 have applied for the 10,000 tickets available, so I reckon I have a 50/50 chance of gettin' one!πŸ™

And now to other matters!

If there's one thing that's absolutely true, it's that wor beloved owner? 'The Fat Controller' DOES want to sell NUFC!

He haz said that there are 'dark forces' tryin to stop the Saudi takeower gannin through and he haz launched another 'secret weapon' against the PL to try and get the takeower through, after ower a year tryin to do so! 

We can anly hope he iz successful this time!πŸ™

"50 NOT IN!"

Then tooneet NUFC travel to Lestaa to take on 'The Basil Brush Brigade' (Foxes!---Basil Brush!---get it?) and up til now aa havvint been able to find a boozer that isnt fully booked, to watch in an outdoor area! Amazingly, this will be wor FIFTIETH  GAME IN A ROW MISSED! since the pandemic stopped us gannin last year! 

The game kicks off at '8:00 bells' and iz on SKY and ☠ !

If aa cannit find a place with a telly aa will be forced to come yem and watch on mee laptop with some bottles of Dog (broon ale) for company! (Plus mee mascot teddy bear!--of course!)

I actually get mee 2nd 'Bat out of Hell' coronavirus 'jab' at 'The Centre for Life' near The Central Station later this afternooon, to keep me immune from that nasty virus! (Hopefully?) So it would be great if aa could find a beer garden in The Toon to watch it! (Very few boozers have tellys in their beer gardens!)

A full Geordie Times match report will appear here sometime on Saturday!----Az per usual---"Watch this space!"

Update '6:40pm bells'

Went to Tilly's on Westgate Road for an ootside drink and then the rain came doon!

Abandoned Tilley's and went yem!  The sun woz oot and then hailstones came doon!

A rainbow then appeared above the black clouds! Crazy weather for May!


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