Posted '10:50am bells' Munday 4th December 2017
sund'lind's new seats arrive to replace the faded pink ones! |
If yoo ever wondered why NUFC fans caall sund'linds groond 'The Stadium of Sh***e then the answer iz here! >>>>>>>>>>
One of their bretheren decided to drop hiz strides durin' Saturday's 3-1 defeat to Readin' and unbelievably had a 'number 2' on hiz seat, much to the disgust of fellow fans beside him!
Pictures and comments then appeared on WhatsApp, Twitter and Facebook and my phone went 'mental'!
reaction from fellow supporters! |
sund'lind unvail plans to make
the stadium of sshhh!!!! (yee naa wot!) an indoor arena!
The press have named the story
'POO GATE' and
the mackem who did a 'number 2'
denied he had done it,
(he would---wouldnt he!)
despite drinkin 12 bottles of Bud and 6 pints
of Strongbow Dark Fruit and
2 chocolates from hiz advent calender?
He says he cant remember a thing,
so how does he know he didn't do it?,
especially when fellow fans around him said
HE DID! (why would they make it up?)
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