Friday, 8 February 2013


Posted '9:20pm bells' Friday 8th February 2013

We face Sporz @ White Hart Lane tomorrow @ anotha ridiculous 'SKY telly' kick off time of '12:45 bells' just to make sure that we've got to get oot of wor 'pits' @ an ungodly hour to get there! (In my case '2:30am bells' for a '4:00am bells' departure!)

Because we didn't naa exactleee when we'd be playin' them, aa waz reluctant to take the chance and book a train for orly Saturday in case they changed the game to a Sunday---so aa waited til the game waz conformed!
By this time the fares were 'eye waaterin' prices and so a'm 'slummin it' on the 'cheap bus'! (£40!)

Ironically, the trains back from King's Cross are NOT *DRY this time and alcopops, meths! etc. can be consumed on the retorn jorney!
This will be the forst time this season that the trains are not dry from London and the forst time that 'little old me' will NOT be able to enjoy a 'tipple or ten' afta several DRY runs!<(just my f*****' luck!)
(*Dry=no alcohol allowed!)

The game iz a selloot to Toon fans with a paltry 1,750 tickets taken for the away section. Wetha this iz NUFCs decision or that of Sporz iz not known, but iz a disgracefully inadequate amoont of tickets, especially az we have a large numbers of exiled Geordies who live in 'the smoke'!

Just like us, Sporz are on a 'high' and to be porfectlee honest with yoo, I will be very happy with a point from this game!<(we shall see!)

Az a'v got to get up orly in the mornin' a'm now retirin' to mee 'pit' for a few hours shuteye!
"Time for bed said Zebedee!" "ZZZZzzzz!!!!"

Full match report to follow much later---probableee on Sunday sometime!

*For an archive groond report from mee forst ever visit to White Hart lane nearly 40 years ago---scroll doon this page! 

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