Monday, 18 February 2013


Posted '9:40am bells' Monday 18th February 2013

The build up to the big Europa Leegue game in the Ukraine on Thorsday starts today and the question iz just wot side we will send to Metalist on Thorsday neet?
Wor guess iz, that az we have to play a crucial Premya Leegue game against Sooothampton on Sunday, a weaker team than in last weeks forst leg game will be flown the 2,500 miles to Karkiv.

A 'baallz up' with the ticket for the match gave me and quite a few others an allocation of TWO tickets each?--so we've had to trail back to the ticket office @ St James' to take the extra one back to avoid bein' charged double! 

'The Geordie Times' iz on the 150 seater Thomas Cook chartaa flight which leaves Toon Airport @ '8 bells' on Wednesday mornin' and the forecast iz for minus ten temperatures at least in the Ukraines second city!

Anotha 50 or so fans are makin' 'their own way' via London, Istanbul and Kiev and 'Glennn from Ashington' iz travellin' owerland az usual via ferry bus and train az he iz terrified of flyin'!

We understand that az we speak, he iz on hiz way to the ferry port now for hiz epic THREE AND A HALF DAY jorney! (the flight in comparison, we understand, takes THREE AND A HALF HOURS!)

We shall keep yoo posted az events unfold ower the next few days!

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