Saturday, 22 September 2012


Posted '2:30pm bells' Saturday 22nd September 2012

(Ground number 291)
Estadio Dos Barreiros, Funchal, Madeira

Europa League group stage  

(brief travel/match report!--much more to follow in the next few day---when aa get time!)


Havin' arrived back late last neet from wor sortie to Madeira we must apologise for the match report bein' two days late!

SIX flights there and back have certaily taken it's toll az we have spent a total of 18 hours in various airports from Wednesday mornin' til last neet waitin' for flights!

Havin' left the hoose on Wednesday at '8:30am bells' we eventually arrived at wor hotel in Funchal (the capital city of Madeira) at '1:40am bells' orly the next mornin'---to find it locked up and ne sign of life!
After brayin' on the door and ringin' the hotel intercom bell for ten minutes we eventually got a reply from the manager and finally got to sleep half an hour later! "ZZZZzzzz!!!!"

Next day it (or shud that be a few hours later!?) we got up and after a quick shower and scran it was off to explore the delights of Madeira. (the boozers!)
With the kick off at six bells in the evenin' and with the groond high in the hills of Madeira we started off in the harbour area before startin' the steep climb towards a huge yellow tower crane which waz next to the groond.
After several 'ports o call' we made for the groond which waz on a very steep incline and eventually arrived at the ticket office with aboot an hour to spare before kick off to hand wor vouchers in for wor match tickets.

The NUFC official dishin' the tickets oot telt us that we had selt a grand total of 83 tickets for the game, but on enterin' the 'buildin' site groond' (with it's yellow crane!) we cud see that there were quite a few holiday makers who were there az well (this boosted the attendance to aroond 150 in wor section!)
Three sides of the groond were under construction and the anly section open waz on the main stand side and there looked to be aroond aboot 4,000 inside az the game kicked off!

A mainly resorve team, apart from the back fower who had played at Goodison on Monday neet, ran oot to applause from the travellin' faithful---and holiday makers! (aye!---we made 7 changes in aall!)

It waz a terrible game really, aalthough we did hit the woodwork three times durin' the match (Shola twice and Dan Gosling!)
The home side aalso hit the woodwork once but it waz anotha shambolic European away performance to forget!

Toon team: Elliot, Perch, Williamson, Steven Taylor, Santon, Bigirimana, Gosling, Obertan (Marveaux 80), Amalfitano (Ferguson 76), Vuckic (Sammy Ameobi 53), Shola Ameobi 

Attendance 4,000 estimated (150 Toon fans/holiday makers!)

After the match we heeded back doon the hillside to the various boozers we had drank in on the way up.
We stayed up aall neet and heeded back to the airport at '4am bells' to catch the forst of three flights back to the Toon, arrivin' yem at 9:35pm bells' preciseleee!---totally 'cream crackered!

Like aa say!----much! much! more to follow later az a'v got to gan to the Dunston v Darlo, Northern League game in a few minutes and then later on toneet, drive mee truck to Glasgow @ 10 bells!---arrive back at 8 in the mornin'---have a bit "ZZZzzz!"---and gan to wor game against 'The Canary Custards' tomorrow afternoon @ St James'! (there's ne rest for the wicked!---iz there!?)

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