Friday, 31 December 2021


 Posted from '1:11pm bells' onwards, New Years Eve 2021

*Sooothampton manager Mr Hasbeenhassle will NOT be a happy bunny!πŸ°πŸ‡ (See article below!)

Much more to follow throughout the day! 

Az expected Sooothampton's manager and fans have been whingin aboot the 'late' postponement of wor game against them on Sunday, with more than 2 days notice!

However, it's the 3,300 NUFC fans who have booked trains, coaches, flights and hotels for the 660mile roond trip from the north east, who are the most badly affected by this!

Sooothampton DIDN'T complain when Brentfaad asked for the postponement of their game with 2 days notice, orlier this month on December 18th, because of a Covid outbreak in the Brentfaad camp (see below), yet they fink it iz porfectly OK to complain when it iz 'us' who have asked for the postponement! 

Below iz a list of 17 games that have been caalled off this month alone, yet NUFC ask for 2 games off and there's an outcry!

Proof if ever that the other 19 clubs in The Premyaa Leegue divvint like the idea of NUFC bein' a real force in the future!

Most games off because of Covid/injuries in their camp

3 Wotfaad (Nothin said!)

2 Moan U (Nothin said coz it's Moan U folks!)

2 Leeedz (Nothin said!)

2 Lestaa (Nothin said!)

2 Nohrich (Nothin said!)


1 Brentfaad (Nothin said!)(by Sooothampton, especially!)

1 Sporz (Nothin said!)

1 Villaa (Nothin said!)

1 Evaatin (Nothin said!)

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