Posted 'high noon bells' Friday 20th August 2021
We play wor forst competitive away game with fans allowed, for one and a half years tomorrow at Villa Park! (The last one woz at Sooothampton in March 2020!)
New pormanent signin' Joe Willock will be playin' and hopefully it will give us a boost, after wor disastrous home defeat v 'The Jellied Eels Mob' of West Ham last Sunday!
Villa lost az well last week, 3-2 at Wotfaad, so aalready this iz a game that both teams must not lose!
NUFC have sold wor entire allocation of tickets---(just under 3,000) for The Doug Ellis Stand and so it shud be a great atmosphere come '3:00 bells' tomorrow afternooon, where a capacity 41,000 crowd iz antisipated!
Apparently nee alcohol will be sorved to Toon fans, which meenz they can't hoy the expensive liquid ower each other in the away concourse, like they normally dee!!!!π
We are travellin' doon from 'The Central' (station) at '7:39 bells' in the mornin' and the jorney will take a torturous 4 hours to get to New Street (Bormingham)
Wor forst 'port o caall' will be The Wellington real ale bar, up tthe hill from the station, where several 'liquid lubrications' will be consumed before we make wor way to Villa!
A full 'Geordie Times' match report and pix, will of course appear here sometime on Sunday, so "watch this space!" az per usual!
Lets get sommik straight!, we at 'The Geordie Times' never wanted 'Brucey' az wor heed coach, but spreadin' fake news aboot what he said on Radio Newcasil last neet, iz not on!
Apparently 'Brucey' said nothing of the kind in the BBC interview! Somebody caalled 'The EnGee sh*t π© stirrer'π₯, stirrin' the π©π₯π©π₯π©π₯π©π₯π©π₯π©π₯!
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