Thursday, 13 December 2018


Posted '2:00pm bells' Thorsday 13th December 2018

News reaches us that wor U21s resorve game against the mackems 1st team at The SOS in The Checkatrade Trophy will be played on Tuesday 8th January with a '7 bells' kick off!

The SMBs are chargin' fans FIVE TIMES az much to get in compared to their previous Checkatrade Trophy home game!

They charged £3 the last time and they are chargin' NUFC fans a ridiculous FIFTEEN QUID to get in!

This iz ne doubt in conjunction with the Northumbria Dibble Brigade to try and deter fans travellin' from Tyneside!

Their excuse iz that they will have to open more than ONE STAND to accommodate us! (Extra Dibble and steward costs etc!)

sund'lind owner 'Donald the Duck Egg' said this on Twitter:
"Opening one stand for a low risk game has a completely different cost base to a game against our biggest rivals who want their full allocation regardless of who is in their team."

Their own fans will AALSO be charged £15, az they must charge the same for both sets of fans!

In the FA Cup replay v Waalsaall they charged £10 and £5 and got a 'massive' 8,212 tornoot, which included 201 Waalsaall fans! (Anly the East Stand woz open to home fans with Waalsaall fans in one corner behind the goal at pitch level, where Toon fans used to be accommodated)

This pricin' policy iz a disgrace, but WONT stop up to *4,000 Toon fans from travellin', (az they'd hoped), and it will badly backfire on them for sure! (If anything---it will make us even more determined to gan!)

*4,000 iz wor normal allocation! 

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