Wednesday, 9 January 2013


Posted '1:55pm bells' Wednesday 9th January 2013

When we were trounced by 'The Arse' recently, the Toon fans were charged just £35:50 admission fee to get in @ 'The Emirates', which iz on par with wot Wigan fans get charged. (category 'D' prices we believe)
'The Arses' next game iz against League Champions Man City on Sunday and their fans are kickin' up a stink aboot bein' charged a woppin' £62! quid for the same seats! (category 'A'!)

It isn't so lang ago that WE were considered a category 'A' side alang side Man U, Chelski and 'The Liverbirds'! and it shows just how far we have faallin' doon the peckin' order!
We're NOT complainin' though! az sixty two quid to sit behind the corner flag iz a ridiculous amoont to pay!
Oot of the 2,000 tickets that 'City' have been allocated, anly just ower 1,000 have been sold, with the rest retorned to 'The Arse'!<(and who can blame them!?)
Fans ARE eventually startin' to vote with their feet/pockets!---where will it aall end???

PS: Hope this isn't an omen, but in the 1950's and 60s some north east villages were classed az 'category' 'D', which meant that they were 'condemed'! 

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