Wednesday, 24 January 2024


 Posted 'high noon bells' Wedinzday 24th January 2024

Amazingleee! 'The Toon' are the ANLY club in Premyaa Leegue history to NEVER have had a crowd of under 30,000!---Wor lowest crowd (apart from Covid when fans weren’t allowed in or restricted to 10,000 or less) iz when we played Sooothampton in the 1993-1994 season when 32,067 were in attendance---when SJPs capacity woz anly 36,000!

It total 51 clubs have graced the Premyaa Leegue since its formation in 1992!

If yoo were a gamblin man yoo would say that Man U, Livaapool and The Arse would be in that company, but its not true, az the below lowest crowd table iz reveeeled!

Man U have had one crowd under 30,000 when they played Palliss in the 1992-1993 season when 29,736 torned up!----And wot aboot the other 5 of the 'Cartel Six'?

Well! Livaapool had a crowd of 24,561 v QPR in the 1992-1993 season and The Arse actually had a sub 20,000 crowd when anly 18,253 torned up at Highbury (capacity 38,000) in 1993!

Sporz had even less when 17,452 torned up at White Hart Lane (capacity 36,000) v Villa in the 1993-1994 season!

And Man City have aalso had a sub 20,000 crowd when 19,150 torned up at their old Maine Road groond (capacity 60,000) in 1994-95 season v West 'am!

And wot aboot Chelseee?--Whey--amazingly they anly had a crowd of 8,923 v Coventry in 1994!---Check it oot!---we aint tellin 'porkies'!---which puts them in 2nd bottom place in FIFTIETH position, behind the likes of Lutin, Bournemoooth and Oldim!

Az for wor north east rivals, whey the mackems lowest crowd woz 18,561 in 1997 (14th place in the table) and The Smoggies had a crowd of 12,290 in 1993! (40th position)

The lowest ever Premyaa Leegue crowd belongs to Wimbildon, who could anly 'attract' 3,039 v Evaatin in the 1992-1993 season! (Evatin bringin at least half of that number!) 


1: NUFC 32,067

2: Man U 29,736 

3: Brightin 29,323

4: Cardiff 26,167

5: Leedz 25,774

6: Livaapool 24,561

7: Stoke 22,690

8: Wulvz 22,657

9: WBA 21,467

10: Redin 21,379

11: Brum 19,922

12: Man City 19,150

13: Swanzee 18,985

14: SMBs 18,561

15: The Arse 18,253

16: Forist 17,525

17: Sporz 17,452

18: Hull 17,403

19: Barnzlee 17,172

20: Huddazfeeld 17,082

21: Darbee 17,022

22: Bornlee 16,904

23: Brentfaad 16,479

24: Charltin 16,448

25: Sheff Wed 16,229

26: Boltin 16,216

27: Portsmooth 16,207

28: Villa 16,180

29: Blackborn 16,035

30: Bradfaad 15,523

31: Lestaa 15,248

32: WHU 14,554

33: Blackpoool 14,550

34: Wigin 14,007

35: Fulim 13,981

36: Wotfaad 13,766

37: Evaatin 13,667

38: Sheff U 13,646

39: Norich 12,452

40: Smoggies 12,290

41: Swindin 11,940

42: Ipswich 11,282

43: Palliss 10,984

44: Lootin 10,802

45: QPR 10,189

46: Bournemooth 9,980

47: Oldim 9,633

48: Coventry 9,526

49: Soothampton 9,028

50: Chelsee 8,923

51: Wimbildin 3,039

*Aa read that we were the anly club not to have a sub 30,000 Prem crowd a while back, somewhere? So thats why aa did some investigation to see if it woz true!

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