Sunday, 20 March 2022


 Posted 'high noon bells' Sunday 20th March 2022

It haz been a hectic 2 weeks of travellin' for me, followin The Toon to 3 lang distance away games to Soothampton, west London and Liverpoool for wor game v Evaatin on Thorzday---AND drivin mee truck between the Team Valley in Gatesheed and Redditch in deepest Worcestershire!

Mee diary ower the last 2 weeks woz az follows!

Munday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wedinzday 9th March: Truck run to Redditch and back 3 times at 444 miles per roond trip = 1,332 miles

Thorzday 10th and Friday 11th March: Travel to Sooothampton and back by train for wor game at St.Mary's Stadium via London---          Roond trip = 700 miles 

Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th March: Travel to west London and back by train for wor game at Stamford Bridge v Chelski---Roond trip = 532 miles

Munday 14th, Tuesday 15th and Wedinzday 16th March: Truck run to Redditch and back 3 times at 444 miles per roond trip= 1,332 miles

Thorzday 17th and Friday 18th March: Travel to Liverpoool and back by train via York for wor game v Evaatin at Goodison Park---Roond trip = 320 miles 

Total miles travelled for 14 days in a row = 4,216 miles averaging at just ower 300 miles per day!----Nee wonder that I am knackered and yesterday I  'stopped still' and the furthest I 'travelled' woz Shearer's Bar underneath The Gallowgate End! (Roond trip by bus 5 miles!) 

IT's crazy that we had to cram 3 away games in, in 8 days--- and that there iz now a 2 and a half week break from wor last game to wor next game v Sporz in north London on Sunday April 3rd!

And guess wot?---I am off to Redditch again next week!---It's a never endin' jorney!

Fink (the mad-sad groundhoppin' trucker!)

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