Thursday 19 June 2014


Posted '12:52pm bells Thorsday 19th Joon 2014

The fixtures for the new season anly came oot yesterday and AALREADY there iz controvosy ower wor home game against 'The SMBs' on the day after 'Black Eye Friday' on December 20th!

Ne sooner had the ink dried on the fixture list then 'The Dibble' have decreed that this game will NOT take place at this time or date!

It's even made front page headlines in 'The Ronny Gill' and we naa for certain that it indeed WILL be moved, live telly or not!

This haz got us thinkin' at 'The Geordie Times'??? Just how many of wor games WILL be moved throughout the season???

We've decided to see if we can guess and for everyone we get reet we will 'award' worsels a 'goal'
For everyone we get wrang we will concede a 'goal'

For example: We think that wor forst game against 'The Blue Moonies' WILL be moved.
Wor 2nd game away to The Hazbeenz & Villians we think will stay at it's original date and kick off time.
If this iz so --- then we will be '2 goals up' --- If NOT (and we get it horribleee wrang!) then we will be '2 goals doon'

The 1st roond of TV schedulin' isn't due to be published til July and we will make wor predictions before then!

The question on everybody's lips <(or at least wors, anyway!) iz will we 'score' more goals than we concede by the end of the season???
Watch this space carefully to find oot!

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