Monday, 2 January 2012


Posted '1:30 pm bells' Monday 2nd January 2012

The Geordie Times had 18,293 pageviews in 2011 givin' us an average of 50.11 per day, which we think iz not bad for a 'nonsense--no nonsense' website like wors!
We are just ordinary fans who gan to extraordinary lengths to watch The Toon and visit new groonds, aalthough az the years gan by it gets harder and harder to de new groonds once we've ticked them off the list.

Last year anly seven new groonds were visited by 'The mad-sad groundhoppers' watchin' the resorves and juniors and NONE! were for  forst team games!

The last new groond for a competitive forst team game was way back in August 2010!, when we played Accrington Stanley away in the Leegue Cup game!

Wor 'Google' world rankin' haz went up az well from 24,085,426 to 16,960,611 now, in the space of just three months (up 7,124,815) and wor 'target' iz to get into the top 15 million by the end of the year! (There are (apparently!)---156,000,000 websites worldwide)
To celebrate this?--and because there are ne matches to watch this afternoon, we're off on the hoy in The Toon!

Once again thanx for your support wherever yoo may be!

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