Tuesday, 5 April 2011

BAGGIES RESORVES 1 v TOON RESORVES 1 Great Barr (ground 277)

Posted '8:50 pm bells' Tue 5th April
Just got back from the resorves 'behind closed doors' away game against West Brom which took place @ '3 bells' this afternoon on a new groond at Great Barr, which is in between West Brom and Walsall.  
Two of us went doon this mornin', but DID WE get in????---Like aa said last week, aa had a few 'irons in the fire' to try and gain entry---and IT WORKED! (Very special thanx to R**!)
We drew one's each in wot was a 'dire' game with Phil Airey gettin' wor goal ten mins into the second half on a wind swept pitch in front of aroond 150 spectators, made up entirely of club officials, reporters, scouts and US!

Nine 'locked out' 'Baggies' fans watched the proccedings from ootside the groond through the holes of the security fence some hundred yards from the 'action'   

Comprehensive mad-sad groundhoppers report to follow in the next few days, tellin' the story of just how we beat the 'lock-out' and got in!

              AZ EVER!--- WATCH THIS SPACE!

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