Posted just after 'high noon bells' Wedinzday 12th Octobaa 2022
Friday sees 'The NUFC mad-sad groundhoppers' off on wor travels again, az we heed for Bodymoor Heath near Tamworth, where wor U21s are playin Villa U21s in a Premyaa Leegue 2 fixture at '6:00 bells'!
Its an aall ticket game and aa had to apply on Villa's website az it woz impossible to get through to their ticket office on the phone!
The voice message said "The ticket office is open between 10 am and 1pm!" It woz '11:15 am bells' when aa phoned up and they told me that and cut me off!!!
After several attempts, aa gave up and phoned the main number, which rang for 5 minutes before a lass eventually answered and said she wud put me through to the ticket office, which told me (aye!--yiv guessed it!) to phone between 10am and 1pm! (Az far az I'm aware 11:15am iz between these 2 times???)
After many (many!) more attempts online aa woz finally successful ("HORRAY!") and got a 'prized'? 'E ticket' for the princely sum of £5
Honest!-- yi wud have thought aa woz after an FA Cup final ticket and not a ticket for a daft resorve game!
For that reason alone, anly a handful of Toon fans will be there, az they probably 'gave up' in frustration! (Like aa nearly did!)
It shud be noted that nee tickets will be available on the day and that neebody will be admitted withoot an 'E ticket'!
A match report on that game will appear here sometime ower the weekend! Az per usual "Watch this space!"
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