Next up on 'The Geordie Times itinery' iz a very! very! rare! event!---Az we will actually be playin' a home game @ 'THREE BELLS' ON A SATURDAY!!?, when we take on 'Cedric the Swan' and hiz mates in this non televised game---"ER!"--"unless yi watch it on one of the 'dodgy' channels--like!"
This will be wor forst '3 bells' kick off @ St James' in SEVEN months!--since we played 'The Pulis P*ss Potts of Stoke', in fact, on April 21st!
Because of this, we expect that the crowd will be approachin' the 52,000 mark--dependin' on just how many of 'Cedric's mates' torn up!?
Lets hope we de better than last Sundays 'horror show' against 'The Jellied Eels Mob' of eeest Landan!
Match report to follow later!
PS: Wor U18s are takin' on the SMBs U18s @ Little Benton this mornin' in half an hours time @ '11 bells'---Free admission---we will of course bring yoo the score later!
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