Thursday, 24 August 2023


 Posted 12:24pm bells' Thorzday 24th August 2023

The loyalty points for season ticket holders for the Brightin away game next week have dropped to ONE SOLITARY POINT!

They started off at 100 points (fans who have been to 100 away games) 2 weeks ago and have dropped by 10 points per day since then!

The question iz:----We have an estimated 35,000 season ticket holders---many who complained the the loyalty points system 'wasn't 'fit for purpose'! ---Oot of the 3,000 allocation there are still 1,000 tickets left!

Nee doubt many will say that thay cannit gan coz of the train strike on the Friday and Saturday, or that Brightin iz tooo far away! (and of course live on the telly!)

BUT!---there are other ways to travel----There are actually motorways and 'A' roads from Tyneside to The Amex Stadium!

Nee good moanin that yih want tickets for glamour trips to Man U and Liverpoool, BUT not crap trips to Brightin, Bornemoooth and Cristil Palliss!

'The NUFC mad-sad groundhoppers' will get there one way or the other, just like we did last season when there were aalso train strikes v Brightin, Sooothampton and of course wor langest away trip at Bornmoooth!

If it gans to a members sale, then we can anly assume that the loyalty points system IZ 'fit for purpose'!  

Updated orly Friday mornin

PS it’s now sold oot (apart from ballot tickets) BUT we hear that some fans have bought them for the loyalty point, with nee intention of gannin !

However! If the ticket doesn’t get scanned on entry then NEE loyalty point is registered! A waste of £30 in that case!

A ballot will now take place for those with zero points for an unspecified number of tickets!

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