Posted 'high noon bells' Sunday 16th July 2023
"GATESHEED THUNDER!"Before the game aa heeded for Gatesheed toon centre for a few gargels before decidin to walk to stadium 20 minutes away!
Bad mistayk by me az aa got halfway there when the heavens opened and aa got drenched to the skin!----Mee light blue jeans were soon dark blue and mee waaterproof jacket ISN'T!
Aa woz like a drowned rat when aa got to the entrance---and of course mee digi ticket on mee phone didn't work, but the gadgie let me in az aa told him aa woz a season ticket holder! (Wot aa didnt tell him woz that aa woz an NUFC season ticket holder and not a Gatesheed one!)
Anyway! once inside aa heeded for the Old Goat's Bar under the main stand and a can of John Smith's and a thin plastic cup at an extorshanist <(Geordie Times spellin') £4 woz purchased az aa hung mee jacket on the back of a chair to try and dry it oot!
Soon it woz time to heed for the main stand and the kick off time of '12:30 bells' and aa foond a seat reet at the back near the corner!
The main stand woz supposed to be for Heed fans only, but at least 50% were of The Toon persuasion!---ie: Nee segregation needed!
Toon in wor green away kitWithin 20 seconds of the start Matt Richie hit a shot narrowly wide to loud gasps from the large crowd of ower 7,000 (at least 5,500 Toon fans)
However it woz The Heed who took the lead in the 12th minute when a defensive mix up let in Dinanga and he cooly finished past Darlow in The Toon goal!
Anothaa mix up bang on half time and we were 2-0 doon when Wearne fired home!
HT 2-0 to The Heedbangers!
And then loud thunder claps and lightenin' enveloped the groond and The Toon fans got a good drenchin in the open seats and they soon scattered to the back to try and find some shelter from the storm!
The torrential rain woz that heavy that it looked az though the game could be abandoned az the pitch soon became waaterlogged!
Luckily aa woz in the main stand which had a roof----the anly part of the groond with one!
Thankfully the thunder and lightening moved away towards north Tyneside and the rain abated az the 2nd half started!
NUFC pulled one back in the 50th minute when Elliot Anderson fired in from close range!
Before lang we had drawn level when Saint Max dribbled roond the box and scored an excellent goal to loud cheers from The Toon fans who were in every part of the groond
Jay-Turner Cooke finished it off when Lewis Miley sent ower a pin point pass and he volleyed home to complete the comeback in the 81st minute!
FT The Heedbanger 2 The Toon 3
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