Saturday, 10 September 2011


Posted '1:20 pm bells' Saturday 10th September 2011

Orlier on in the week 'The Evenin' Ronny-Gill' asked reeeders to send in questions that would actually be answered by wor 'beloved' M.D., known more affectionately to Toon fans as 'Llambs to the Slaughter'.

A limited??? selection of questions were asked and the replies from 'Llambsy' and comments from 'The Geordie Times' can be read below!

Question: Public opinion on Tyneside from large sections of the fans is that they can no longer trust statements coming out of the club after several empty promises. What assurances can you give fans that they can believe what the club tells them?

Answer: We don't feel we've made empty promises!

Comment: So the 'promise' that most of the £35 million 'Andy Pandy' money received would be spent on a new number nine (etc) was never made then????

Question: Many fans clamoured for a marquee signing on the striker front. Are these days gone?

Answer: The days of Newcastle United aquiring 'trophy' singings who command huge saleries for past successes on the pitch are over!

Comment: So it's free transfer and loan players who command 'pauper' wages then????

Question: Where's the money that was pledged to be invested in the squad gone? (afta the sale of 'yee naa who')

Answer: We made it clear that when we sold Andy that the fee we recieved would stay in the club, and it has!

Comment: You're REET 'Llambsy'!---it certainleee haz! (in yee naa who's wallet!)

Question: Are you concerned about the 10,000 drop in attendance (v Fulham)

Answer: On the contrary, season ticket sales are actually up on where they were this time last year!

Comment: They tell us that season ticket sales are UP on last year and then add that they're NOT concerned aboot aall the empty seats!???  (see below!) (pull the otha one!)

Question: Can you justify why it took seven months to pursue a striker before failing at the eleventh hour (literally!) to secure a signing?

Answer: Despite what many may think, we didn't leave it late--in fact we started the search the minute Andy left!


We cud gan on and on!---There are many questions still unanswered, like---"Is wor 'ambition' to simply survive in the Premya Leege like Wigan and Fulham?"---and the bottom line iz!---we are telt that we cannit even compete with the likes of QPR or Stoke anymore!--never mind the likes of Man U/City or Chelsea!----HELP!

As the words to the old song gans---
"There are more questions than answers!
The more I find out the less I know!"----That just aboot sums it up!

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