Posted '5:05 pm bells' Sunday 25th Joon 2023
LA'S INGENIOUS GLASS WALLED STADIUMNews that NUFC want to increase wor groond capacity to 62,000, NOT by puttin another tier on The Gallowgate End az expected, but by rebuilding The East Stand with glassware at the back with gaps between the tiers to let the light get through to Leazes Terrace!
They could anly build The East Stand so high and have an upward sloppin roof from the rear so it let the light shine onto Leazes Terrace!---This woz one of the conditions we had to adhere to when the Stand woz built in 1972!
Technology haz moved on in massive leaps since then and one American Futbaal stadium in LA haz lightweight but very strong glass rear waalls and ingeniously, gaps between the 4 tiers to let the light through (see photo below)
GAPS IN THE TIERS TO LET THE SUNLIGHT THROUGH!This we 'fink' iz wot wor owners plan to dee to increase the capacity by 9 or 10,000!
Then of course they can then make The Gallowgate End a mirror image of The Leazes End to forthaa increase capacity to 70,000ish!
Let it happen-- and happen soon!π
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