Wednesday, 11 July 2018


Posted 'high noon bells' Wednesday 11th July 2018
New-cas-sil's coat of arms

A canny while back, while in London for a Toon game, a Chelski fan I woz taalkin to said Geordies shud support Scotland, az we were so close to the Scottish border!

I replied that I woz born 50 miles south of the border (az the drunken magpie flyz!) and even if I woz born "1 inch" inside the Inglish border, then I am Inglish, I replied!-----HE DIDN'T!

The 2 closest cities on the Inglish side of the border, namely Carlyl and New-cas-sil BOTH show their allegiance and have the Ing-er-land flag in their badges!
Carlye's badge

In othaa words: "We are Inglish til we die!", just like The Cockneys in London, The Scousers in Liverpool, The Brummies in Bormingham, The west country yokels from Bristil, Yowvil and Plymith and the rest of the inhabitants who were born in this country!

We are aall rootin for Ing-er-land tooneet in their quest to reach The World Cup final after a gap of 52 years!

Crow-ay-shaa wont be easy opponents but they are beatable nonetheless!

Franss await the winners in Sunday's final in Moscow after beatin favourites Beljim 1-0 in last neets othaa semi final!


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