Tuesday 3 November 2015


Posted '12:50pm bells' Tuesday 3rd November 2015

At forst look a goal-less draw and just one point at home v Stoke looks a bad result--but!---'az lady luck would have it' AALL the rest of the teams in the bottom 5 lost this weekend, with The Hazbeenz & Villians losin' @ Sporz last neet to complete a pointless weekend for 'them', Bournemoooth, The Canary Custards of Norwich and The SMBs, who got slaughtered @ Everton on Sunday dinnaatime!

The leegue table still doesn't look good readin' of course, but a point gained iz better that nowt!

We honestly beleeeve that the teams mentioned (includin' 'US') will be in the relegation 'mix' til the end of the season and that ANY 3 from the 5 mentioned could be jettisoned to the hell of 'The Championship' come May!---Lets hope it ISN'T 'US' and that we can somehow pick up a win @ Bournemoooth this Saturday to move oot the bottom 3 and finally 'kick start' wor season!
36 shots in the last 2 games and 0 goals to show for it iz the reason we are where we are! ---Some more 'lady luck' iz needed on Saturday in the shape of an away goal or two! (we have scored just ONE away from home so far this season!)

More to follow on wor trip to the south coast later this week!---az per usual 'watch this space'!  

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