This website iz dedecated to the Newcastle United groundhoppers who follow the fortunes of the team aroond the world (and beyond!) The ground totals include competitive and friendly forst team, resorve team, junior team and Newcastle United X1 games that 'the mad-sad groundhopper' has attended, aall for Newcastle United games only, in the last SEVEN decades*** cheers!***'Fink' (the mad-sad groundhopper!)***last count 372 (373 inc Motspur Park outside)
Friday, 4 March 2011
166 nou camp barcelona
Date of First Visit: 26th NOVEMBER 1997
ATTENDANCE: 25,000 (8,000 Toon fans)
Part One:
A dream come true for me!----If yi'd asked iz the question of which groond in the world aa would love to gan te the most, then 'this one' would win 'hands doon'!---Aa meeen!--- 'The Toon ' playin' at the mighty 'Nou Camp' stadium against *the best ever supported club in the world IS without doubt a 'groundhoppers utopia'!
(*In the 1947-48 season Newcastle's average gates were a staggerin' 56,299, which at the time was a world record! (and THAT was in the aad Second Division az well!)
This record was broken some years later by Barcelona who averaged a breathtakin' 93,000! (So at least we have somethin' in common!)
Mee mate Davy had travelled ower with his gorlfriend Barbara and had been there a few days to 'suss the joint oot' and when aa asked him on the 'tellin bone' wot the weather was like and would aa need to take 'a 'nanny goat', his reply was sommik like this! ---and I quote!:"Divvint be daft!----It's a heat wave ower here—the temperature iz in the 80's--and there's brilliant sunshine! ---YIH DEFINATLY DIVVINT NEED A COAT!" ◄(famous last words indeed!) (reeed on!)
Barcelona is a massive place as we soon foond oot on wor arrival as wor hotel was f***** miles away from the city centre in the middle of ne where, so!—taxis were the order of the day to get us to 'the main drag' which iz known as 'La Ramblas', (The Rambles) where there were a canny few café/bars to quensh wor thirsts!
We'd met Davy and Barbara on 'La Ramblas' and they telt us that they'd foond a great boozer and took us towards it.
But beware!---this takes you doon some narrow back lanes where the sun suddenly disappears in the shadows and a waalk doon it takes you into a different world with washin' hangin' from high rise slums where the locals live with 'pick pockets' lurkin' doon every ally waitin' for 'victims!' (ie: "US!")
The bar appeared in the distance and on enterin' it we were amased to see it decked oot in REAL MADRID! colours!? There were pennents,photos and framed shirts on the waalls! and this akin to 'The Hotspur' or 'The Newcastle Arms havin' mackem photos on it's waalls ,as everybody knows Barcelona HATE Real Madrid and vise versa!
But the huge framed photo behind the bar coonta was the best of aall! It showed a cartoon of a Real Madrid pig dressed in their aall white strip , screwin' a Barcelona pig dressed in their strip! (wish a'd brought mee camera!) and this divvint forget was reet in Barca's heartland!
The locals (or shud that be 'locos'?) looked a bit 'dodgy' so we drank up and heeded forther into 'the ghetto' to the next 'waaterin' hole' which looked even dodgier! As soon as we waalked through the door everybody stopped taalkin' and looked at us as though we had horns stickin' oot of wor heeds! (ie: it didn't look too clever eetha!) and this 'drinkin' den' aalso had Real Madrid photos on the waalls!? (was this an enclave of Madrid?)
Anyway!---Davy got taalkin' to the owner who spoke broken English and as we were aboot to leave for the next 'dive' he telt us NOT to gan to the next bar deeper into the ghetto. Davy who was 'canny sorved' by now decided to ignore his advice and started waalkin' in the wrang direction. The owner then rushed oot of the bar and said, "NOH!-NOH!-NOH!"-----"CCCCCCHHHHHHH!!!!", and did a 'cuttin' motion' across his face and throat with his index finger!
"Davy!"---aa said as aa grabbed hold of him---"wih gannin THAT WAY!"---and pointed in the direction of La Ramblas! (and safety!)
Wih thanked the owner for his advice and did a 'U' turn for the 'main drag' for (yet!) some more 'liquid refreshments' before heedin' back to wor oot of toon hotel for the neet!
Part Two:
Next day was match day, an' the sky looked a bit black, but it was still canny waam. Wih heeded back to La Ramblas where wih aall had to meet up tih get the busses tih the groond under police escort. Wi'd been telt to meet up three hours before the game and that we had tih gan with the escort or wih WOULDN'T get in!
So we set off in the convoy and arrived at The Nou Camp two and threeqwaata hours before the kick off and by this time the weather had torned a bit inclement to say the least as the heavens opened and before lang it was 'chuckin' it doon'!
Mee forst impression on seein' the Nou Camp for the forst time was that the concrete structure and slopin' ramps looked remarkably like the ootside of 'The Get Carter' car park in Gatesheed toon centre
Aa took mee place at the back of the huge open terrace which was aboot 6 miles above pitch level!, cursin' the fact that aa hadn't brung mee coat, brolly or telescope with iz!, as there was ne cover at this side of the stadium, an' aall had tih keep iz dry was mee faithful black 'n' white top! (Mee mate Davy's got a lot to answer to-as of course he telt me that aa wouldn't NEED a f*****' coat!)
By the time the match kicked off aa was like a half drowned rat alang with the other *8,000 Toon fans who'd made the 'pilgrimage', which amazingly was almost one thord of the crowd. (We would have had double that number ,but they wouldn't give us any more tickets!)
Aanly *25,000 were inside when the game started an' there were huge gaps on the terraces, which meant that there ower 70,000 empty seats, which was very disappointin'. This was due entirely to the fact that 'Barca' couldn't qualify for the next roond of 'The Champions League'
From mee standin' place in row ZZZZZZZ! the players were like tiny specs on the field below, an' aa could hardly make the team oot!
The forst game at St James' had ended 3-2 to The Toon (after leadin' 3-0!) two month's orlier and a notable absentee for this game was Tino Asprilla who had scored a hat-trick in that game and this was to prove decisive in this one.
Anyway!--- John Beresford had a 35yard shot that went well wide in the 10th minute to be followed moments later by John Barnes, who's 25 yard effort went just inches past the post to huge gasps from the *8,000 soakin' wet travellin' hoards. (*accordin' to 'The Sporting Life')
However!---the deadlock was broken in the 17th minute by the home side when Brazilian ace Giovanni chipped Shaka Hislop in The Toon goal to muted roars from the 17,000 Barca fans present .
Jon Dahl Tomasson then hit the bar for us in the 35th minute which brought more huge gasps (of despair!) from The Toon fans and that was the closest we came to scorin' durin' the forst half.
Durin' the match a'd kept lookin' roond to see where the giant Toon Army flag was as 'Barrett meen time' (the flags eternal gardian!) said the previous week that he was bringin' it ower on 'The Toon Army Travel' flight----but!—where the hell was it?—(or him for that matter!) (we would find oot next day!)
Then!---as the second half started the few 'Barca' fans present could be seen fightin' amongst themsels in the lower reaches of the stand behind the left hand goal as many of The Toon fans stripped off their soakin' wet tops, wrang them oot and twirled them aroond their heeds as the torrential doonpour saw ne sign of lettin' up (Er!---mine was stuck to my magnificent 17 stone torso---by the way!)
On the otha hand the action on the pitch was less than a damp squid with the anly plus point from us was when a great chance fell to Stevie Watson just before the end, but he heeded wide when it would have been easier to score!
That was the last chance we had and the defeat meant that like Barca ,we were oot the Champions League as well (so!---that's sommik else we had in common with them!?)
We'd 'dryed oot' a bit by the time we got back to La Ramblas where we 'drowned' wor sorrows (sic!) before mekin' the marathon trek back to wor oot of toon hotel---"ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz!"
Part Three:
We finally bumped into 'Barrett meen time' the next day and the forst question aa asked him was--- "Where was the f*****' flag at the match?"
His answer 'shocked me to the core!'----Before the match they got the flag, which was was in their hotel, handily placed next to the groond, and aboot 20 Toon 'foot soldiers'helped tih carry it to the tornstiles. The local 'Dibble', obviously frightened that the flag was aboot to 'attack them', decided to 'baton charge' the 'said' flag which weighs aroot 'a ton' (especially when it's soken wet!)
'The flag' (unable to defend itsel!) was left unceremonisly ootside as 'The Dibble' refused to let it in and it sadly 'missed the game'!
In the mornin' they went back to the groond to pick it up---but!---it had mysteriousleee disappeared!?
Aa meeeen!---how the hell can yi LOOOSE sommik THAT BIG?
Futher enquiries revealeded that the Barcelona Refuse Department had hoyed it into a f*****' bin lorry, carted it away and dumped it on the local tip!!!!
So!---if yi'd ever wondered what had happened to the giant flag---WELL!---NUW YI NAA!
One Toon fan who shall remain anonymous (for good reason!) got more than he bargained for
when he visited the Catalan capital. After checkin' in to his hotel he decided to phone his lass tih tell hor that he'd arrived safely.
She told him that his boss had been on the phone and that he'd been sacked for takin' time off to gan to the match! She aalso told him that she'd had enough of him gannin' to the matches and was waalkin' oot on him for good!
Devistated!—he decided to 'drown his sorrows' and have a few 'gargels' doon 'La Ramblas' and in between bars he got his pockets 'dipped' and somebody nicked his wallet!, so he had to gan back to his hotel to get some more 'lowwy' which he'd left in his room. He went back on 'the hoy' and as he was waalkin' doon a back lane a local pulled a knife on him and he got mugged again!
Once more he heeded back to his hotel for yet more 'lowwy' but this time he decided to stay off the drink and find a local 'scally' instead. He foond one and she took him doon a back alley to give him a g***le! He tried to gan a bit further and unzipped hor dress and got his 'hand away', anly to find that 'she' ---was really a 'HE'!!!.
Panickin'!---and with his strides still roond his ankles, he legged it 'sharpish' doon the alley!
Next day he went to 'The Nou Camp' for the match and of course The Toon lost! On his arrival back at Barcelona airport (mortal drunk by this time!) he started shoutin' at the top of his voice and tellin' the whole world aboot his problems!
"A'v lost mee job!"---he cried---"Wor lass has left iz!"-"A'v been mugged twice!"-"The Toon got
F*****' beat!"-"An' a'v had a g***le of a transvestite!"—What else can gan wrang???"------"BASTARDS!"---SOMEBODY'S NICKED MEE WATCH AS WELL!!!!!!"
Footnote: *Some reports gave the crowd as 20,000 and the Toon support as 7,000 and some 25,000 and 8,000 respectively (it was hard to tell which was reet in the 98,000 capacity stadium!)
Geordie Glossary of Terms and Phrases (for the benefit of 'non Geordie' readers)
(in the order that they appear)
Groundhopper=someone who visits different football grounds
Suss the joint=have alook around
Tellin' bone=telephone
Nanny goat=coat
The main drag=the main thoroughfare
mackem photo=s/land team photo
Screwin'=(go to bottom of page for answer!)
Waaterin' hole=pub
Drinkin' den=pub
Canny sorved=very drunk!
Liquid refreshment=beer/lager
Threeqwaata=three quarter
Chuckin' it doon=raining very heavily
Gatesheed=the town of Gateshead
Barrett meen time=name for Toon fan who has his own time zone as he's always late! (as opposed to Greenwich mean time)
Toon Army Travel=the tour operator (Barrett meen time)who took many fans to Barcelona
Dibble=police officers
Howay the lads=come on the boys
Broon ale=Newcastle Brown Ale
Nuw yi naa=now you know
Dipped=money stolen
The hoy=going for a few drinks of alcoholic beverage!
Scally=scally wag=sh**!=prostitute
G**ble=(work it out!)(see below)▼
Hand away=(if yi don't know the answer then ask your mammy and daddy!)
©Fink™(the mad-sad gr☺undh☺pper!)
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- (revisited 2021) (1)
- 000 grounds visited watchin' nufc (1)
- 001 st james park (1964) Newcastle v coventry (1)
- 001 st james park 2007 v sampdoria (1)
- 001 st james park 2014 v Liverpool (1)
- 002 joker park blunderland 1967 (1)
- 002 joker park revisited 1970 (1)
- 003 anfield liverpool (1)
- 004 highbury arsenal (1)
- 005 molinuex wolves (1)
- 006 loftus road qpr (1)
- 006 revisited loftus road qpr (1)
- 007 maine road manchester city (1)
- 008 the dell southampton (1)
- 009 upton park last ever visit 2015 (1)
- 009 upton park west ham (1)
- 010 ibrox park rangers (1)
- 011 highfield road coventry (1)
- 012 redheugh park gateshead (1)
- 013 city ground Nottingham forest (1)
- 014 selhurst park crystal palace (2)
- 015 bloomfield road (1)
- 016 goodison park everton (1)
- 017 filbert street Leicester 1992 (1)
- 018 Victoria ground stoke (1)
- 021 edgar street hereford (1)
- 022 bramall lane sheffield (1)
- 023 baseball ground derby (1)
- 026 white hart lane tottenham (1)
- 028 old show ground scunthorpe (1)
- 030 hillsborough sheffield (v burnley) (1)
- 034 turf moor burnley (1)
- 040 boothferry park hull (2)
- 044 shielfield park berwick (1)
- 045 the den millwall (1)
- 050 craven cottage fulham (1)
- 053 boundary park oldham (1)
- 055 home park plymouth 2010 (1)
- 058 carrow road Norwich (revisited 2017) (1)
- 059 revisited oakwell Barnsley 2016 (1)
- 061 (revisited 2007) Victoria ground (now 'park') hartlepool (1)
- 069 palmerston park queen of the south (1)
- 070 easter road hibernian (1)
- 073 vicarage road watford (1)
- 078 ferens park durham (1)
- 086 dens park dundee (1)
- 090 dean court bournemouth (1)
- 091 elm park reading (1)
- 091 elm park reading revisited (1)
- 097 ashton gate revisited Bristol city (1)
- 100 away pub crawl challenge (1)
- 100 prenton park tranmere (1)
- 100 pub crawl challenge (1)
- 102 roots hall southend (1)
- 105 revisited bootham crescent york (1)
- 106 belle vue doncaster (1)
- 108 griffin park revisited 2017 (1)
- 109 porta elisa luccese italy (1)
- 110 stadio san nicola bari italy (1)
- 113 derwent park (1)
- 120 victoria pleasure grounds goole (1)
- 133 riverside stadium (1)
- 136 bucks head telford (1)
- 149 doctor pit welfare park bedlington (1)
- 158 olympic/respublikansky stadium kiev (1)
- 166 nou camp barcelona (1)
- 170 (revisited) dalymount park Dublin 2016 (1)
- 177 rockcliffe park middlesbrough (1)
- 187 belle vue park consett (1)
- 187 belle vue park consett last ever visit 2013 (1)
- 192 autoquest stadium Widnes (v Everton res) (1)
- 199 new broomfield park (1)
- 214 wetherby road (1)
- 215 killingworth young persons centre (walker central) (1)
- 220 san siro stadium inter milan (1)
- 223 raydale park gretna (1)
- 233 moss lane Altrincham (man u res) (1)
- 235 stade velodrome marseille (1)
- 247 raizor stadium la coruna 2010 (1)
- 250 kingsley park ryton (nufc academy) (1)
- 251 revisited jjb stadium wigan (1)
- 255 whaddon road cheltenham (1)
- 258 a le coq arena (1)
- 265 Victoria stadium/marston's arena Northwich (v man u res) (1)
- 266 keepmoat stadium doncaster (1)
- 267 ricoh arena coventry (1)
- 268 welfare ground hetton le hole (v s/land res) (1)
- 269 church road north Ferriby (v hull res) (1)
- 270 tallaght stadium dublin (1)
- 271 woodhorn lane ashington (1)
- 272 cardiff city stadium cardiff (1)
- 273: don valley stadium (1)
- 274 liberty stadium swansea (1)
- 275 crown ground accrington (1)
- 276 champions hill stadium dulwich hamlet (1)
- 277 great barr west brom (1)
- 278 leighsports village stadium blackburn (1)
- 279 shirecliffe sheffield (1)
- 280 veld 7 almere (1)
- 281 b2 net stadium chesterfield (1)
- 282 parc y scarlets llanelli (1)
- 283 amex stadium brighton (1)
- 284a and 284b academy of sshh (yee naa wot) cleadon (1)
- 285 NOT motspur park london (1)
- 285a and 285b middlewood sheffield (1)
- 286 brockhall academy blackburn (1)
- 287 gellert stadium chemnitz germany (1)
- 288 estadio algarve faro portugal (1)
- 289 kyocera stadion den haag the hague holland (1)
- 290 municipal stadium of peristeri (1)
- 291 estadio dos barreiros maritimo madeira (1)
- 292 bulls croos training complex spurs reserves (1)
- 293 jan breydel stadion brugge belgium (1)
- 294 underhill barnet london (1)
- 295 stade chaban delmas bordeaux (1)
- 296 silverlake stadium eastleigh (v southampton res) (1)
- 297 metalist stadium karkiv (1)
- 298 luzhniki stadium Moscow (v anzi) (1)
- 299 clayton wood stoke (1)
- 300 estadio da luz benfica (1)
- 301 fir park motherwell (1)
- 302 rugby park kilmarnock (1)
- 303 st Mirren park st mirren (1)
- 304 globe arena morecambe (1)
- 305 Pirelli stadium burton (1)
- 305 revisited perelli stadium burton (1)
- 306 belle vue stadium consett (1)
- 307 NOT! woodside park bishop's stortford (1)
- 307a and 307b aon training complex carrington (1)
- 308 veltins arena gelsenkirchen germany (1)
- 309 priesfield stadium gillingham (1)
- 310 meadow park borehamwood (1)
- 311 grounsell park heaton stannington (1)
- 312 platt lane academy man city (1)
- 313 bigges main wallsend (1)
- 314 the new den millwall (1)
- 315 lostock bolton u18s (1)
- 316 oakwood training centre derby (1)
- 317 city football academy complex (pitch 8) manchester city (1)
- 318 new manor ground ilkeston (1)
- 319 broadfield stadium crawley (v brighton U21s) (1)
- 320 horsfall stadium bradford pa (1)
- 321 Victoria road dagenham (west ham) (1)
- 322 new york stadium rotherham (1)
- 323 roundwood pavilion Rotherham u23s (1)
- 324 kassam stadium oxford (1)
- 325 turnbull ground whitby (v celtic u23s) (1)
- 326 opel arena mainz germany (1)
- 327 st georges park nr burton (v stoke u23s) (1)
- 328 heritage parkbishop auckland(v mboro u23s (1)
- 329 weston homes stadium colchester (1)
- 330 London stadium west ham (1)
- 331 edgeley park stockport (v burnley) (1)
- 332 bracken moor lane stocksbridge (v sheff u u23s) (1)
- 333 adams park Wycombe (reading u23s) (1)
- 334 holker street barrow (1)
- 335 Richmond park st pats ath (1)
- 336 trungle parc mousehole (1)
- 337 estadio dragoa porto (1)
- 338 nethermoor park guiseley (v leeds u23s) (1)
- 339 kingfield stadium woking (v reading u23s) (1)
- 340 Hibernian traing ground (v hibs u20s) (1)
- 341 tottenham hotspur stadium (1)
- 342 moss rose macclesfield (1)
- 343 roy west centre (v hull u23s) (1)
- 344 new meadow shrewsbury (u21s) (1)
- 345 rush green Romford (v west ham u23s) (1)
- 346 spotland rochdale (1)
- 347 (NOT!) wba trainin ground (1)
- 347 LNER STADIUM (1)
- 348 blackwell meadows (1)
- 349 liberty way (1)
- 350 clarence park (1)
- 351 seagrave training ground (v leicester u18s) (1)
- 352 north street (1)
- 353 perth green (1)
- 354 brentford community stadium (1)
- 355 the walk stadium (1)
- 356 saalfelden arena (1)
- 357 grenzlandstadion (1)
- 358 bodymoor heath (v villa u21s) (1)
- 359 arrowmark home improvements stadium (1)
- 360 nigel doherty academy nottingham (v forest u21s (1)
- 361 loughborough university stadium (v derby u21s) (1)
- 362 powerday stadium (1)
- 363 Centro Sportivo (v ac milan u19s) (1)
- 364 brakel training ground (1)
- 365 signal iduna park (1)
- 366 Stade Georges-Lefevre (v PSG U19s) (1)
- 367 parc dez princes (1)
- 368 eco giants stadium (1)
- 369 1st cloud arena south shields (vU21s) (1)
- 370 proctor cars stadium (1)
- 371 the lamb ground (1)
- 372 jakemans stadium (1)
- airdrie (1)
- alfreton (v nottm forest u23s) (1)
- annfield plain (1)
- atrtomitos (1)
- austria (v mainz 05) (1)
- austria (v munich 1860) (1)
- birtley (v leeds u15s) (1)
- blackpool (1)
- Blaydon Races song (1)
- boston (v U21s) (1)
- clitheroe (v Fleetwood U21s) (1)
- darlington (1)
- dortmund (1)
- dortmund (v dortmund u19s) (1)
- estonia (1)
- geordie glossary of terms 'a' to 'z' (1)
- great barr (1)
- greece (1)
- ground zero elland road leeds (1)
- hanwell (v brentford b) (1)
- harrogate (1)
- Jamie's 1st game v wolves u21s (1)
- jarrow (v s'land u15s) (1)
- king's lynn (v norwich u23s) (1)
- kufstein (1)
- matock (v derby u21s) (1)
- middlesbrough (1)
- nuneaton (v Birmingham U23s) (1)
- olympic stadium (1)
- paris sg (1)
- saalfelden (1)
- sheffield (1)
- st albans (v watford u23s) (1)
- tallinn (1)
- tamworth (u21s) (1)
- the geordie times (an explanation) (1)
- the geordie times online (1)
- the toon 1 thetoffees 2 (1)
- the toon v bolton (1)
- YORK (1)
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