Sunday, 2 November 2014


Posted '11:20am bells' Sunday 2nd November 2014

The private funeral of John 'The Undertaker' finally took place on Friday, some three and a half months after flight MH17 waz shot doon ower the Ukraine.

The funeral waz kept quiet with no notices  in the local papers, so anly close friends and family knew about it!

Hiz funeral service waz held at The West Road Crematorium in The Toon and to throw the press, paparazzi and TV 'off the scent' someone told them that the funeral waz to be held at Saltwell Cremetorium in Gateshead! (John lived in the Deckham area of Gateshead)

It worked az thankfully to the relief of hiz family and friends no TV or paparazzi torned up!

Afterwards we aall went back to 'The Bobby Robson Suite' @ St James' Park for a few drinks in hiz memory!
R.I.P John --- You (and Liam) will never be forgotten by us!

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